The Brave New Viking World

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Arriving in Iceland, home to Vikings who live in the village and hunt every witch and wizard they could. In the corps, there was a magic mushroom with Viking helmets and wooden light-brown and brown belts watered by a gardener, and the mushrooms were plucked by some farmers before they delivers them to the chemists who brew them into potions to cure some cowardly recruits into bravest, strongest and powerful army when they drink the potions.

"Kids, we are here," said Captain Read.

"Boys, I think we should go here no," said Jones, emerging from the pirate ship with his sons.

"Dad, where are we?" asked Ryan, wondering, he saw one of the Viking warriors approaching this way.

"Hey, I miss you. But you look younger just now." excited the Viking Warrior, running toward Jones and hugging him happily, making him grunt and winced.

"Who is that guy?" asked Scott.

"This is Rune, he's used to meeting Jones since they have been invaded by trolls raiding our village and vandalizing our home. Jones decided to help Rune defeat the trolls and save our home but also we adapt our modern-day lifestyle," explained Captain Read, the Viking villagers are enjoying their modern-day lifestyles and they are always spending their time with the pirate besties they always care about.

"Hey, dude, we miss you so much more than being apart like a better family," said Rune, excitedly. "Hey, do you still remember Celestial Sea Serpent?" he asked Jones about his old past with him.

"Yeah, I remember, after the trolls were defeated, they suddenly get devoured by the snake I fear of. Then, Veronica, Glow, the pirates, Vikings, and I are terrorized by the serpent so we have to wait until it slithered all away." sighed Jones, reminiscing his past as former Red Masque since he, his former lover, the pirates, and the Vikings are terrorized by the Norse Sea Serpent.

"Guys!!" Annabelle's voice called everyone, she comes out of the pirate ship, looking for Luke and wondering if he had left her last night, "Mr. Jones, have you seen him?" she worriedly asked Jones about Luke's whereabouts.

"Nope, I haven't seen him before." shrugged Jones.

"Who Luke?" questioned Rune.

"He's my best friend and he was gone, I cannot look for him either," said Annabelle.

"Forget about Luke, we should go on the family trip as one, big happy family," said Rune, excitedly. One of the Viking Warriors shows up with the basket of Viking-shaped mushrooms and offers it to Annabelle, "I hope you like Viking Mushrooms." he offered.

"Awwwww... thanks, but I have to find Luke now." compassionate Annabelle, still searching for Luke desperately

"Don't worry, we will find your friend as long as we are having a family picnic together." chuckled Rune.

"Thanks, I hope that he will have a family picnic, but I need to find him now." sighed Annabelle, accepting Rune's offering and claiming the mushrooms as her other collections.

That night, it was a Pirate-Viking family picnic feast filled with villagers and crewmates celebrating together with jugs of beers to drink and eating their favorite food, ham. At the same time, Annabelle was in the cauldron with chemists, pouring some Viking Mushrooms onto the cauldron and stirring it with the rod, creating the potions for drinks and giving everything to the Vikings which they sip to become more braver as warriors. At the picnic feast, Jones and his sons are having fun with Captain Read and Rune and they are eating the feat and drinking their beverages.

"Hmmmmm..." munched Scott, eating ham in his hand.

"Rodney, I hope that Annabelle was looking for Luke, thinking that he was gonna be okay." worried Ryan.

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