Chapter 24

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Sarah's P.O.V.


I was purely shocked when I heard that. That voice. The voice that I never wanted to remember.

'Oh my god. It's him! IT'S HIM!!'

"M-mamphmph?" I asked, my voice muffled. The robot chuckled then removed the cloth shakily.

I was out of words. Speechless, to be specific. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Not even a squeak or an exhale.

"W-what's wro-ng S-sarah?" It asked, tilting its head.

'It fucking knows my name! How do I respond to this? I can't speak nor make a sound. It's like I'm not controlling my mouth.'

"Sara-h, I k-know that you'-re in a s-s-state of sh-shock. B-but, do-o you still re-member m-me?" He stuttered. I slightly nodded, still shocked.

"B-But how?!" I asked it, frustrated and confused as fuck.

"I'll explain l-later but n-no-w, we ne-ed to escap-e befo-re th-ey co-"

The door swung open, streaks of light blinding me. It revealed Ashley and a girl with pink and blueviolet hair.

"WHO SAID SOMETHING ABOUT ESCAPING?!" Ashley's voice boomed throughout the whole room.

He untied me while pretending to be disfunctional, since he was the animatronic after all. Ashley noticed this and immediately ran to me.

When I was finally untied (which took a few seconds), I punched Ashley and her henchwoman square on the face.

"ME, YOU DIPFUCKS!!" I yelled as I ran to the Pirate's Cove. I passed by a hallway with a lot of scribbles, drawings, posters of three animatronics on a stage (which creeped me out) and dirt smeared on the walls. It sent chills on my spine for it reeks.

I went behind the curtains, to hide from the two. I guess hiding behind isn't such a good idea, since this place has killer animatronics in it, but it's worth a shot.

"Who the fuck is there?! I'll kill you with bread pans!!"

I whipped my head around, searching for the person who spat such words.

I saw a silhouette, instead of a person. The voice sounds familiar. Ah god. What made me forget these voices?

I went near to the person. I gasped when I suddenly remember who it is.

"Pixie?!" I exclaimed, shocked because she was tied up.

"Sarah?! Oh god you're okay! I-"

I cut her off by slapping her.

"How dare you betray me! You've got the guts to do that, eh?!" I yelled at her, anger boiling inside of me. "I thought that I could trust you! Traitor!"

"I can explain!" Pixie begged. "Please! Let me explain!"

I paused.

'Should I let her explain? Or should I not?'

I sighed.

"Go. Explain." I ordered her. She sighed in relief.

"First of all, I wasn't the one who kidnapped you. It was another girl who is disguised as me. She's Ashley's henchwoman. And, I was kidnapped before you were kidnapped." She explained. "Do you believe me now?"

I blinked and there was complete and uncomfortable silence for a couple of moments.

"Uh...hello?" Pixie asked, looking around. "Still there, Sarah?"

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