Chapter 11

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Jason's P.O.V. (Quick P.O.V.)

I may have been upset. No. I'm still upset. That kiss. That conversation. But why Mitch? Why did she only kiss Mitch? Why not me? I felt bad too! It's not fair! I admit it...I do love her. I also am jealous.

I need to stop being jealous.

"Hey Jason" Ty said. I looked up to him. He stared at me with happy eyes.

"Oh hey" I said, with sadness in my voice.

"Move on Jase. You'll meet another one" He said, tapping my back. I sighed and nodded. I love her. I can't move on.

"Anyway, why did Adam and Alesa fight?" I asked him.

"Dunno" He shrugged. "I guess it's a personal problem."

It started to rain. Hard.

I wonder where Sarah went...

Sarah's P.O.V.

I walked down the road. I don't know where I am. I'm lost but who cares anyway?

Then, it started raining hard. I screamed to the heavens.


I saw Starbucks nearby. I ran and entered immediately. I ordered a Frapuccino and sat. I took my phone out and saw 35 messages and 76 missed calls. Meh. I checked the messages.

It was from Mitch, Jason and Adam. Jason just sent me one message.

From Jason:

Hey. I'm sorry for being upset and jealous. I just thought that it wasn't fair. But, it's fair now. Please come back. I don't want you hurt.

To Jason:

It's okay bruh. Will be back soon.

I only replied to Jason. I ignored Mitch and Adam's messages. I shoved my phone in my pocket. I cried.

And cried.

And cried.

After a few minutes, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw someone. It was a boy with dark brown hair and black framed glasses.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"Boy problems..." I croaked.

"Oh...Here." He said and gave me a cookie.

"Omg I lurrrve cookies!" I smiled.

"I'm Tyler. Nice to meet ya" He said and sticked his hand out. I shook it.

"Sarah" I said. He blinked.

"TheFrozenSarah?" He asked. I.nodded. "Bodil kept on tweeting stuff about you."


"Why were you crying? What's up with boys?" He asked, looking concerned. I sighed and told him everything. I was crying in the process. I buried my head on his chest. I'm sick of drama.

"You know what? Let's book a hotel room. I think you need to stay away from them for a while" Tyler suggested. Good thing someone understands! We hailed a taxi and booked a hotel room.

"So. Where are you going to sleep?" He asked me.

"On the floor. As usual." I said. He shook his head.

"You're sleeping on the bed. I'm sleeping on the floor" He said. I shook my head.

"You're sleeping on the bed Tyler" I insisted. We kept on arguing until we finally decided to sleep together.

Worst Life Ever (Team Crafted and FNAF FF) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now