Chapter 5

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Ty's P.O.V.

'Adam's been acting really weird lately. Is he cheating on Alesa?' I thought. It's been like 3 days since the car crash. That "mystery girl" didn't wake up yet.


I looked up and saw Mitch.

"What's up?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Adam's acting really weird." He said. I nodded.

"I think he's cheating on Alesa..." I said.

"Maybe" Jerome said, he's behind the door of the girl.

"Bleh. I'm going back" I said and walked down the hallway. Something stood there at the far end and its head is snapped. It had a bloody, ragged dress. Its hair is very messy. That bloody figure looks like the girl.

"Um. Guys?" I turned around. They looked terrified too.

The lights flickered on and off. At the other side, the lights went off. When the lights went off, the girl went closer. 'Oh, we're in deep shit!'

"Doods! Run!" Mitch yelled. We started running. The lights on the other side turned off quickly. So we were running for our dear lives.

We came on a door. "It won't budge!!" Mitch said, with hands on the door knob and right foot on the door. I slammed it with my side. "Help me!" I yelled.

Jerome and Mitch slammed the door with me. "Wait! Altogether! 1! 2! 3!" I yelled and we slammed the door altogether. The door opened but we saw a bunch of zombies there. On the other side was the girl. Almost a meter near us. The zombies walked to us and the girl was an inch away from us now. We practically screamed.

I yelled and started hyperventilating. I saw myself on a white room. I glanced at my right side and saw the girl awake. I fearfully looked at her straight in the eye. "What's wrong?" She asked. "N-nothing". 'Just a dream'

"I dreamt about you, your head was snapped, that dress was ragged and blood and your hair was messy. You were dead and you started chasing us. At the other side were zombie patients. We got eaten and died" I explained. "Just a dream, Ty. That's not true" The girl said. "My name is Sarah" She said, waving her arm. "Oh. You know my name already so I don't need to introduce myself" I said, crossing my arms.

"Yup!" She said with a cheerful look. "You're okay now?" I asked her. "Yup! Everything's okay. You don't need to worry." I nodded.

"Everything alright?" Adam bursted in. I chuckled. "Yeurp!" I said. He laughed. "I brought someone to entertain you!" Adam said. "Entertain who?" Sarah asked. "You two!" Adam.giggled. "COME ON BULGARIAN!" He screamed. 'Oh god it's Bodil!'

He went out and slammed the door. "He's really funny!" Sarah giggled. "I hope that Bulgarian guy is funny too!"

"Yes he is!" I said.

"Here he is!" Adam said, pushing Bodil40 or Martin inside the room. He was wearing his shades, black suit and a checkered orange and yellow tie. Like his minecraft skin.

"Hello, Mr. Bulgarian Guy!" Sarah said cheerfuly. Bodil laughed and Sarah laughed too. "I love your laugh!"

"Thank you!" Bodil said.

"She forgot being so depressed after the car crash" Adam whispered to me. "Oh"

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Um...two days" Adam said. Bodil burst out laughing when Sarah showed her a picture.

"TWO DAYS?!" I screamed.

"Lot ot go!" Bodil said between laughs.

"That pic is my lockscreen!" Sarah exclaimed, still laughing.

"Let me see!" I said and stood up.

"Here!" She said, waving her iPhone. She threw it to me "Catch!"

I caught it and saw the photo. It was Hans, Elsa, Anna and Kristoff without noses and the noses were replaced with their mouth. I burst out laughing.

"Hey! How about me?" Adam wimpered.

"Yoink!" I said, throwing the phone to him.

"Hey! Be careful with my phone!" Sarah yelled. Adam caught the phone and started laughing.

"What's with the noise?" Mitch asked, opening the door.

"Here, yoink!" Adam said, throwing the phone to Mitch. Gladly, Mitch caught it.

"What the hell?!" Mitch laughed.

"Lot ot go! Lot ot go!" He sang.

"Ssh!" Jerome bursted in.

The laughter stopped.


Our phones rang. We checked it out and Adam tweeted it.

@SkyDoesMinecraf: Lot ot go! Lot ot go!

Credit to: @TheFrozenSarah

We burst out laughing. Jerome too, the door was open so Ian, Quentin and Alesa came in. They're laughing too.

Even though something bad happens, we can find a way to brighten up!

(No Author's Note)

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