chapter4:Falling for you

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I woke up with no one next to me.I got out the bed and quickly got in the shower.The warm water felt so good over my cold tender skin.I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Jayla would like you to meet her in the kitchen after your shower"Manny informed me.

"okay"I said and continued to shower.Soon I was done and walked out with the towel around my body,letting the cold hit the exposed parts of my skin.

I threw on some shorts and a tank top and went down stairs.I made my way to the kitchen and saw Jayla sitting down at the table.

"about time"Jayla said looking up at me.

"Beauty takes time"I said taking a seat next to her.

"so you start school with me tomorrow"Jayla said nudging me with her elbow.

"Please,don't sound all excited you wont even look my way when I go"I said looking down.

Jayla lifted my head up by my chin and stared me in the eyes.I looked back at her chocolate brown eyes.Our lips slowly touched and my eyes went wide.I eventually started to kiss back.We was an a full blown makeout session.We jumped back at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"your father told me to inform you that he is taking indias mother out,and Leon is still asleep"Manny said walking away.

I stormed upstairs not feeling hungry any more.The feeling in my stomach is one that I felt before and I know exactly what it is.I fell down on the bed face first.Knowing that the feeling was love my eyes started to burn.Tears was about to fall but I wasn't letting them.Im tired of crying,no more crying for me.I heard the door slowly open.

"I don't wanna talk Jayla"I said with a sigh.

"what,its only me"Leon said taking a seat on the bed.

I laughed a little before getting up.

"I'm sorry,what do you want Leon"I asked wrapping my arm around him.

"Jayla said she will take me to the park,and i want you to come with us".

I looked at Leon wanting to say no, because I didn't want to face Jayla but because he was my one and only little brother I broke and said yes.

I changed into some decent clothes and headed down stairs.I say on the couch waiting for Jayla and Leon to come down stairs. The eventually came and we all got in the car.

Once we got to the park I found a bench and sat down.I immediately started to think about Katie.I haven't called her since we left.I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed her number.After a few rings she picked up "Hey stranger"She said with her beautiful accent.

"oh my gosh Katie it feels so good to hear your voice"I exclaimed.

"why don't you just come to work and you can here my voice all you want"

I sunk down in the bench as I told her why I was coming back to work.

"its okay stranger in only 2 hours away ill come visit you on my off days and you can visit me whenever"Katie stated happily.

"India come play with us"Leon yelled from across the field.

"I gotta go Katie "We said our goodbyes and then hung up.

I played in the field with jayla and Leon.

By the time we got home we all were sweaty and exhausted.

I immediately stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower.There was a knock on the door and I knew it wasn't Manny because he went home early.

"come in"I shouted.I cursed at my self mentally and dropped the soap when Jayla walked in because the shower was glass and even though it was blurry she could still see my figure.

"Look India we need to talk"Jayla said sitting on the counter.


"us" Jayla sighed "Look I know I started off hating you but you changed me,I never really been nice to anyone except for my three close's friends but you,your exceptional you made me into something I never wanted to be and that was kind hearted,and yes I like you I really do and I wanna love you but you have to let me and I know you think that were gonna be sisters but my dad never marrys anyone and me I was just his mistake that's why he spoils me to keep me out his face and it hurts but I don't need to hurt no more because I have you"She said with so much emotion in her voice.

"Jayla,honestly I like you to but everything is happening to fast"

"that doesn't matter because if you fall I will be their to catch you"She said now playing with her hands.

"I trust you with my heart Jayla "I said softly.

"So give it to me and I will take care of it and you"Jayla said smiling at the floor.

"Are you asking me out"I said with a smile.

"yea India"She said in a duhh tone.

"well then yea Jayla now get out ".I said stepping back under the shower.

"oh and never go to jail"Jayla said while walking out.

At first I was confused and then I relised she was talking about when I dropped the soap.

A few minutes later I got out the shower and put on my clothes in the bathroom.I put my clothes in the dirty clothes basket and headed down stairs.I was fixing me and Leon a bowl of fruits when Jayla slowly snaked her hands around my waste from behind.

"I'm so glad your mine"Jayla whispered in my ear.

I turned around facing her looking straight in her eyes,It was filled with lust and wanting.

"And I'm glad that I am yours"I said giving her a kiss on the lips .

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