Chapter 6 :Back to where we started

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I threw everything of mine in the closet of my new room.I guess I will be the guest everyday than.I layed in my bed with the towel wrapped around my hair.

"India ,Can I come in"Leon asked by the door.

"Yea"I replied as he walked in tears staining his face.

"What happened to your eye"? I yelled seeing a red bruise around it.He just ran to me and hugged me and started to cry.

"tell me what happened"I demanded.

"Momma was talking bad about you to that Mr. and I tried to defend you and.....and...he punched me in my eye and told me to do something deadly"Leon cried harder and I cried with him.I saw that he still had on his school clothes so I told him to get in the shower.

I rolled over on my stomach and slowly dozed off.I woke up to someone pulling my pants down.

"Stop Jayla"I said squirming.

"This is not Jayla"A manly voice said.I looked down and saw Jaylas father.I Yelled to the top of my lungs.My mother came and sat on the edge of the bed and just watched.

"You need to know what a man could do for you"He said.I looked over to my mom and she looked strung out.

"Jayla!!Jayla!!"I yelled but their was no answer.

He thrusted in and out of me.I was still a virgin and I wanted to stay that way till I got married

Leon came out the bathroom punching and screaming for him to get off of me.And finnaly he did.


After that little incident with me and India I decided to go out and buy her some ice cream and flowers.When I pulled up I saw Leon looking out the guest room window.I raced up stairs ready to get my baby back.I opened her door and she was laying on bloody sheets crying.

I immediately sat everything down and ran over to her.

"Baby girl'I said tears filling my eyes.

"You left me"Was all she said.

"Baby I went to go buy you flowers and ice cream ,lets just wait to talk let me put you in the tub"I ran he some bath water and carried her bridal style and placed her in it.I got her soap and rag and washed her body.

"It was your father"She said lowly.

"Baby I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you,from now on I'm never leaving your side your mine and I'm all yours baby were both queens in our palace and Leon well he can be our serevent"We both laughed."But no serious baby I'm sorry,and I want to be your forever "

"How could you be my forever kissing other girls"She asked looking down.

"Baby they set me up my 2 period teacher is Tasha friend mother and Fss would have been my best friend,but I changed my class to your second period so there is no worries now"I said lifting up her chin looking in her big brown eyes.

"I Love you 😍 India"I said kissing her deeply.

"Good now since you love me so much you would bring all my things back in your room I font want to ever be in this one"I said getting out the tub wrapping the towel around my body.

1hr later

Me Jayla and Leon lay awake watching Love and basketball.Jayla lay between my legs caressing my stomach.Leon is at the foot of the bed probably sleep.

"Babe can you hold me tonight"I asked.Jayla nodded her head as she scooted up wrapping her arms around my waist.We got under the covers and she slowly kissed my neck.

Morning time

I woke up at 10:05 I wasn't going to school today because i felt nasty and Leon wasn't either because of his eye.I woke Jayla up so she could go check if any one was down stairs.She came back up with a letter that read


"at least he's gone" I said smiling.

"Where's Manny I hadn't seen him in forever"Leon asked.

"My dad fired him I don't kno why though"Jayla said crawling over me to give me a kiss.I blocked my mouth as She reached in.

"Morning breath"I said laughing.

"what!!Your supposed to love me flaws and all"Jayla exclaimed

"I do love you,Your flaws...not so much"I said with a smirk.

"Jayla wrestled me till she finally got her kiss.

"I get to do this everyday for two months without being called for something"Jayla yelled.

This is going to be a long two months I sighed


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