1. Who is this?

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After a moment of adrenaline I'm faced with a red haired girl in my arms.

Her eyes are squeezed shut and she seems to be trembling.

"Uh, who are you?"

The girl slowly opens up one eye and glances around. Her eye sight is then hooked on me. She leaps out of my arms and cheers "Woohoo! I'm alive!" She pats herself all around to make sure she's real.

I stare at her blankly.

"Oh, sorry, but you see I just dropped after being kinda betrayed, so it's a happy moment." She stares into the distance and sighs. She's joking I think.

She looks back up at me, "Uh no, I'm not kidding. I see that face of doubt."

"Why'd you say it so cheerfully then if you just got betrayed?"

"Well in case you didn't notice I just dropped from an insanely high height and I happen to not be dead and I think that's worth some happiness, but the moment is dead now. The name's Mar."

"Well hello then, my name is Aurora."

"Isn't that the name of a princess or something?" She asks as she observes her barren surroundings.

"Yeah it is. Oh wait!" I look at her wings, "you are from Clinia right?"

She looks behind her.

"They're back?" She whispers, but corrects herself by saying, "Yup, they're a dead giveaway, aren't they?"

"Yeah, I'm from Clinia too."

"Great, want a medal?"

She seems tense. I can tell she doesn't like me very much, it's quite obvious. I think we'll have to work together though, and I must assert myself some!

"Well...I just saved your life! So maybe I do deserve a medal."

Her eye twitches.

Okay so maybe I'm not the best at it. I'm typically more of a shy person. She said something about being betrayed, and if this is how she acts I can see why, but something tells me this isn't her normal personality. This is probably the result of her being betrayed.

"So, since we are sort of stuck together now, will you explain the whole betrayal thing?"

"I don't want to discuss it."


"Oh, okay then."

We both stand together in silence for a brief moment, but it seems to go on forever. I want to break the silence but my voice box isn't agreeing.

"Well, I'm getting out of here. You coming?" She asks abruptly. I startle a bit. "Yes, of course." I say quietly.

I follow her down a pathway.

"So what tests have they given you?" She asks me.

"Tests? What tests?"

"You don't know?" She turns around and stops walking.

"Know about what?"

"The tests!"

I stand there still and feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, let me fill you in," she sighs heavily, "to summarize...aliens were posing as our government leaders in Clinia. They cloned everybody and abducted them. Now they are testing on us for the purpose of studying us and allowing other aliens to watch like a human zoo."

"I see," I say calmly as it hasn't sunk in yet.

"Well now let's get out of here! How would one get out of a simulation?"

I think for a second.

"Well the screen can't go on forever. If we just keep walking we might find a blind spot."

She does a finger gun at me, "Good thinking."

Together we walk in the direction we decided to go, which happened to be going right, and suddenly the room around us fizzled out.

"This has been some great information you've provided us." Cosmo cheers.

"Wait, so Aurora's plan of finding a blind spot worked?"

"Oh heavens no," Cosmo laughs, "I turned it off to tell you that you've passed all of your tests in record time, meaning you get access to the zoo area now. Renard will escort you there."

"Come with me humanoids." Renard leads us to a room out front through a side door that opened up to a gated area that looked like a human sized doll house cut in half.

"I get it, it's supposed to be our natural habitat, but because they need to see, the front is cut open like a doll house." I say while sighing unhappily.

"Oh really?" Mar sarcastically remarks.

"I'm acting like Taylor now." She whimpers sadly. She smacks her hand over eyes and shakes her head.

"Please could you explain the whole Taylor thing?"

"I don't know you, and based off of what Taylor criticized me on, I shouldn't burden you with my troubles."

"So I'm guessing she was somewhat toxic then?"

"Please stop bothering me about it. I can tell you mean well, but I'm not open to sharing right now." Mar sighs.

I back off with a "Got it."

Well with the little that I know about her, I know that her name is Mar, and she has some issues with a girl named Taylor.

I really wonder about this.

WORD/CHARACTER COUNT: 817 (Including this)

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