Support Group For Lost Souls

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Lawson's POV

I still even after all these years refuse to believe Mar is gone.

I have a kid and a wife, but nothing is the same without her. She really meant a lot to a lot of people.

I'm not in touch with anybody from the tragedy anymore, which gets me thinking.

In honor of Mar, I'll hold one last reunion. A support group for lost souls if you will.

I search everything I can to get in touch with everyone.

Ezra was easy to get ahold of as was Katrina.

Alayah was difficult because her calls go straight to her assistant.

I got through once I told her to at least mention me to her, and she got on the phone right away.

We planned it on the first day of the next month.


When the day came, everyone looked so different.

I had a board in the middle of the room with photos of Mar.

"Thank you all for coming. This is in memory of our dear savior friend and even loved one, Marlow. She really did risk it all. She was called selfish in the past but she is the least selfish person that I know. Think of this as a support group for lost souls where we can share our experiences of Mar." I read off of a little note I made myself in case I got nervous. I did.

Ezra clears his throat.

"I had known her many years, before I even actually knew her. She always tried her best, and even when things got tough, she stuck it out because she really cared about everyone else, no matter what happened to her. I loved her, and still do. Just...not the same way. She'll always be my first love. She was selfless and never let things get to her for too long. She suppressed so much that she had burdened upon her shoulders, and she dragged along many friends that she made. Even though it struck her mind, and rightfully so to leave people behind, she never actually did. She cared about others opinions and never did anything she thought would upset everyone else, like killing Aurora. Even though Aurora put her in a tough place, she handled it how we wanted it to be handled, and we weren't even important in this situation, just problems for her. Mar was a great person and a truly amazing friend."

We all began to tear up.

"That was beautiful," Katrina said.

I point to Katrina.

"Oh, uh, Mar welcomed me when many others didn't. She treated me like everybody else. She was a great friend and a trusted person who I loved to be around. She was honest and never let me down. She kept all of us together and knew when to apologize even when she didn't have to. She was caring and kind, and above all, was the most important person all of us had ever met." Katrina fiddled with her hands, cracking her knuckles mid story.

Now it was Alayah's turn.

"I didn't know Mar for very long at all, but for what it was worth, when Aurora was a much better person, she really made her happy. I cared for Aurora's happiness and Mar brightened every day that Aurora had. For what time I did know her, she was selfless and pulled herself together even when things got tough, and I can tell she had a very rough life. She was a great person and I'm glad to say I got to meet her."

We continued to talk and sob throughout the day.

Mar, if you got to see this. I hope you know we love you. You meant the world to us, and the world owes a big thank you to you, they just don't know it.

Devil of CliniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora