Returning to Clinia

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Aurora's POV
While I made people's lives miserable, I felt a need to visit an old home of mine.

I reanimate Clinia with the help of Cosmo.

I spend a week there just reminiscing.

Then I do exactly what I shouldn't do.

I summon Mar.

The real Mar.

I strip her away from her family and home and being her here. I've decided I'm going to remake Clinia and we will all live there. I'll give her anyone of the old people she knew.

We will live in Clinia in harmony.

How Clinia should have been ran. By me. I'll control her little adventures now. I'll play Cosmo's part. Except she won't realize that she's left Earth. She wanted to better herself and question things less so she won't suspect a thing.

I was always second hand anyway. Why have people always have high expectations of you when you can just do horrible things and then you can't disappoint people. They already won't expect things from me, and I'll be praised for any little good deed that I do.

I was never the one Mar really cared about. She just wanted life with her old friends, so I'll give them to her. I'll give her Sparrow, I'll give her Taylor, Ezra, Dean, Jenny, any of them. She wanted Clinia so badly? I'll give her Clinia, but I'm taking the reigns.

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