Cosmo's Cosmos

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Cosmo's POV

WARNING- This chapter contains some gore

With my newfound experiment in place, I can finally start to do what I needed to do all along. I need to find my successor. I will hold trials across space to find who will take my place when I die among the stars.

I build my planet and select my contestants.

Ezra, Alayah, Dean, Marlow, Katrina, Lawson, and Aurora.

I seem to have too much empathy for Aurora now, and I feel the need to let her try once more.

I've already sent Aurora, Alayah, Dean, and Katrina to the planet in a comatose state.

I'm allowing Ezra, Marlow, and Lawson to stay on Earth as to not yet disrupt them.

Emphasis on yet.

I start to awake my four on the planet I created.

"Where am I?" Aurora blinks awake, standing on top of a large mountain that stared into a golden field of wheat.

"Did I die?" She wonders as she gapes at the world in front of her.


Aurora's eyes are wide as a piercing sword emerges from her stomach. Her arms and hands tense up beside her, and she slowly looks down. As she does, the blade begins to turn.

She cannot make a sound as the blade is yanked from behind her, leaving an empty wound through her body. She manages to croak a slight whine as she collapses to her knees. She lightly sets her fragile hands upon the hole in her stomach, now gushing a waterfall of blood. Blood stained her clothes and the grass that she kneeled on.

She fell forward and her face stood sideways. The attacker kneeled by her face and tilted their head. "Poor Aurora. Thought you could get away with betraying us." The attacker laughs. "Marlow? How could you do this?"

"How could I? How could you? Torture me behind my back and get Cosmo to help you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Aurora stammers, coughing up blood, barely hanging onto life.

The life starts to fade from her eyes, melting from consciousness.

With one final blow, the sword in her hands begins to glitch, and she plows the sword through Marlow's back.

Aurora isn't really dead, but she's hopefully fearing now that Marlow knows her secret.

I had a hologram kill her, but it should plant some doubt in her mind, so I can prepare for the fight between Aurora and Marlow. Whichever stands victorious has a chance to become my successor.

Next, I do a little mind bending. Something I should've done long before. I can give earth Ezra and Dean, their hologram's memories.

I can pit them together for Marlow's hand, but they wouldn't kill each other over that, so I'll add a bit of something else.

Dean wakes up in his building shop. "Where am- oh, I know where I am." Floating blue binary code fades into his brain. Once he has loaded the information, he starts building. Ezra runs over to him. "Hey! You didn't pay after fighting in the ring." "What are you talking about?"

"I'm the owner of Ezra's Diner and Wrestling Ring. You haven't paid your dues. You lost and ditched, not only that, you stole what is rightfully mine. Give it back and I may let you get something out of it."

"Get what out of it?"

"Your life." Ezra swings at him with a tailpipe. Dean ducks and grabs whatever is beside him. He ends up grabbing a metal slab and holds it above his face when Ezra hits the metal with the tailpipe.

"Stop! What have I stolen?"

"You know exactly what you stole from me." Ezra scowls, and with one hand snatches the piece of metal Dean was holding as a shield. "You better pay for that! It took me weeks to acquire." Dean grabs Ezra's ankle and yanks him to the floor. Ezra yelps and quickly gets back to his feet, waving the tailpipe every which way.

Dean also sprawls back to his feet and throws everything in his path at Ezra. Ezra's eyes glow a fiery red, and his stare reeks of death and determination to kill.

Ezra dodges each thing thrown at him with superhuman accuracy.

Dean manages to grab hold of the tailpipe and the two are pulling it towards each other. Ezra kicks Dean in the stomach, causing him to lose his grasp on the car part turned weaponry, and him to fall to the floor. Ezra pulls the weapon above his head and hurls it at Dean's face.

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