Sell my Soul

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I feel as though my soul was sold into this.

I haven't adjusted one bit.

I never have any time to visit, but my friends never expected me to.

Even worse, on this day, Ezra found a new girlfriend.

It stings, but I'm not human anymore and I can't expect him to wait around.

I told him he could before I left, but I keep thinking I'll return and everything will go back to the way it was, but it can't anymore. It's been years. Lawson even got married and has a kid now.

I'm not even a kid anymore. I can't say that 'I can't do this because I'm just a kid' because I'm not.

This is my job. It was the prophecy.

The Angel of Clinia, who saved it and the world.
The defeater of the Devil of Clinia.

I would cry if I could, but I've become so non human that I no longer have a form. I'm a ball of energy. I'm wasting away.

I dont know how Cosmo stayed so enthusiastic and kept himself.

I just can't do it.

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