Old Habits Die Hard

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Mar's POV
Some crazy girl approached me. Thankfully Mrs. Gambly came over before she could do whatever it was that she was gonna do.

As I'm waiting at the library table for Ezra to show up. Another familiar name. I notice that girl glaring at me. I pretend not to notice and keep my head down.

Eventually the boy shows up and he looks extremely familiar. "Do I know you by chance?" I ask. "I don't believe so." He replies.

Ezra. Where do I know that name.

Oh! Ezra! The boy I used to...well like.

Why do I keep having so much trouble remembering people and my past life?

I fear that soon I won't remember any of it.

I start to think that maybe that girl wasn't so crazy after all. Maybe she somehow recognized me from my old life and I just can't remember her.

It's weird looking at the boy I used to like that I couldn't even remember five minutes ago.

I guess technically I also never got over him. It wasn't even really him, so I also can't really say I still like him now. I liked the Ezra I knew. I don't know this Ezra and he doesn't know me.

I listen intently to what he's teaching me, and I get to know him fairly well. He gives me his number in case I have any questions.

After our lessons I go to walk over and speak with Aurora but she's gone.

I shrug and figure I'll talk to her tomorrow.

I get back to my house, which I'm now getting used to living in, and greet my family members. Lawson and I have gotten really close, almost like Leo and I were, but possibly closer. Which seems weird since I've known him for such a short amount of time, but it's nice not having to always worry about him or argue about conspiracy theories.

It's been really nice in all honesty.

I finished all of my homework working with Ezra, so I haven't much to do. It starts to drizzle outside, and I just walk into Lawson's room and spin around on his desk chair while he reads magazines on his bed.

"Ten ways to tell if someone has a crush" he pretends to read off of his magazine"

"How could you tell that-"

"They have a dopey look on their face."

"I do not-"

"They aren't actually focused on anything they are doing because they are just spaced out thinking about the person they like."

"I get it Lawson."

"They wrote Ezra+Marlow in my notebook and-"

"Lawson I get it!"

He laughs and while I'm serious at first, my angry expression drops and I join into his laughter.

"I know Ezra," he says, "he's a good kid."

"That's good," I say, rubbing my arm, "he's a really familiar person. Reminds me of someone."

"You aren't the first to say that," Lawson clicks his tongue, "couple kids have also said that same thing."

That's strange.

How could they know? They weren't in Clinia. I go to my room and break out my whiteboard.

My life is becoming just the same as it was.

What a repetitive pattern. It's sickening really.

I write down possibilities as to why others could recognize Ezra. Maybe he's just a really outgoing guy.

I pause and erase everything I wrote on the board. This isn't the life I need to live. I've moved on.

Old habits die hard.

The next day at school I see Aurora and I stop her.

"I don't have time for you right now," she pulls her arm away, "I get it, you think I'm crazy."

"No, no. I recognize you now. I don't remember everything, but I know you, and I know Taylor and Ezra."

"That's great but I don't know Taylor or Ezra. I think you mentioned her and him."

"Mrs. Gambly mentioned a Dean. It's a common name but by chance is he-"

"I don't know any Deans. You may have mentioned one when talking to me. You would have to see him. At tutoring today you can see if it's your Dean or not."

I nod. We talk a bit and I'm glad we are on good terms.

As happy as I am, I feel like I'm losing myself and becoming irritable.

Something inside of me is still distrustful.

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