Deal with the Devil

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"You can't actually be considering this." Dean scoffs. "Just kill all of them and get it over with."

"It does me no good to kill any of the others. I may be the devil but I'm not a monster. You have much to learn." She flicks her wrist and throws Dean out the window and smashes him through the glass pane.

"Dean!" The group and I yell horrifically in unison. I get a good glimpse of him as he falls to his death.

His eyes are calm, and one tear gently rolls down his face.

I close my eyes before the gut churning splat reveals the noise of his bones cracking and crumbling. I look inside the building to keep my eyes away from the disturbing scene.

Tears build up in my eyes, and many others as well.

"He's served his purpose, much like you, Mar, have served yours. Your friends have also served theirs. Thankfully, to your much appreciated deal that makes my life much easier, I can take you out without a fight."

"Grant me one more thing. Let me see Ezra one last time."

"Oh I suppose that's alright."

She sets me down on the ground and I appreciate meeting the floor for the second to last time.

My ankle is of no mind anymore. Much more will hurt than just that in a few short moments. Not unlike me, the entire group is crying. Even those I barely know.

I hug everyone, and give Lawson an extra long hug, thanking him for being the best brother ever and giving me a fighting chance. I apologize to each of them for how I acted.

Finally, I look Ezra in the eyes and tell him the truth.

"I really like you Ezra. I always have. It was difficult for me before you had your memories, and I watched you knowing you had no idea who I was. I figure I can say this since it's not like I have to dwell on it in a couple minutes." I try to joke, but it's interrupted by my heavy crying.

He looks at my water glazed eyes, glistening in the light of the room. "I really like you too." He says thoughtfully.

It could be a lie, since I'm about to die and all. It's not like it would make much of a difference.

Much to my surprise, he leans in and kisses me. It wasn't the most passionate, but he was stuck behind a magical barrier.

"How touching. You've had your moment. Let's move this along. I haven't got all day. I still run the entirety of space, you are nothing more than a speck, I've got more important things to do." Aurora whines.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

She lifts me back up with her powers, and holds me out the window. Instead of the street below me, it's a tunnel into the universe.

"I figure it's a nicer way to go. You were once my friend and all. I'm sorry it had to go down this way." She tilts her head, and I look back one last time.

"I love you all. Goodbye. Thank you." I quickly speak before I'm dropped. I feel the surprise in my bones of the falling sensation, much like how Dean felt, I feel calm and at peace.

I debate closing my eyes or keeping them open to appreciate everything I could last see.

In what felt like a long time, I think about life in Clinia and life on Earth. Both were lives I'm so appreciative I got to live. Most people only live once. I got to live twice.

I can feel the cold of death start to drape its cloth over my skin.

I never believed in god, nor do I still.

I've appreciated all I wish, and close my eyes to welcome death.

I welcome you death. Thank you for looking over my life and reading me like a book. You waited until the very end.

The very end.

That end.

Was not.



I made a deal with the devil.

I was gone a long time.

However, the devil accidentally broke her end of the bargain.

In all her treachery she accidentally hurt one of my friends.

Much like Hercules, my story can start again.

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