Abyss and Planet Afar

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Am I, an idea? A figment of someone or no one's imagination. Could it be that I have a chance at a normal life?

I look down at where my arm would be held up in front of me, except there is nothing there. I have no body, I'm simply a thought. This seems like a boring possible eternity but it might be because I've been rebooted into the universe instead of not having a concept beforehand where I built my life, thoughts, and way of thinking.

I close my theoretical eyes, though it doesn't make much difference, and I enjoy the peace.

Meanwhile, Aurora and Cosmo back on the fake planet- (from Aurora's POV)

"I can't believe you would do that! She's gone. You killed her. Surely we could've found a purpose for her or convinced her otherwise." I choked back a single tear.

"Fear not. She isn't dead, my friend. I've simply reduced her to an idea. Now once she is thought of by some other being, she will be sent there and she will fulfill her requirement of purpose." He paces around in a circle as he speaks, one hand behind his back and the other hand had made a point with his index finger.

"Well what about me then?" I stammer, almost struggle to find the words. It sounds conceited, but I am the only human on this planet, and I also have no true existence to live. "Well I could send you to earth. That's what your life originally was meant to be, before I thought of you here." "And do what? I've never been with another human before until Mar. How could I adjust to society with no proper documentation to my name?" "Well it'll mostly be the same. Besides some emotions I couldn't replicate, it was a pretty accurate simulation of earth. Earth most likely is less exciting. I think you'll handle it just fine."

"I suppose I can try, but is that even possible? To just try? I don't want to completely lose contact with you if all hell breaks loose."

"Believe me, it won't, but yes, I'll keep a close eye on you. Just say you want to come back and I'll send for you right then and there."

"Okay, I think I'm ready." I look around one last time.

"I probably shouldn't be thanking you for any of this, but hey, thanks for giving me an experience I'll never forget." I shrug and cross my arms to feel one last bit of security before the world around me hazes and I'm in between worlds. The haze begins to fizzle away, and I'm left in an alleyway, on the real life earth. "I'm really here."

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