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Cosmo's POV

I absolutely cannot believe I entrusted a human of all creatures. To think I could've actually made a friend. She was corrupted by power just as I once was, so long ago.

Now she will pay for her crimes against humanity, and will unknowingly serve as my assistant, except I'll stress her out to her maximum capacity until she pops.

I think this but now immediately after I feel remorse. She still once was my friend. She just got a bad taste in her mouth after all.

Human emotions have really rubbed off on me.

I will not punish her. I simply don't have it in me anymore. I am dying, and I need a successor. I fear Aurora is too easily corrupt to become the new universal overseer. Marlow is far too emotional. I couldn't so easily pick one of the experiment human replicas, I know next to nothing about the real them, and they don't know about the experiment at all.

Maybe that's what I need, someone who doesn't know about the experiment. They won't feel grief about their past life and what it could've been. They won't feel bored or out of place.

All along all I needed was a little guidance from my little friends.

I could take a look at one of the friends Marlow made, or the friends Aurora made.

Alayah was a bad decision maker, though she's noble and kind, but I doubt she would have it in her to ever make any sort of disaster happen, so she couldn't make the best ruler. I won't take her off the list though.

I could contact the real Ezra, but he seems immature and like any other high school boy.

Dean is very smart, so he's a definite possibility here. He isn't overly emotional, nor is he too good or bad. He's a logical kid with a lot of ruling potential.

I could also view new friends she has made.

I fear people are too basic to take on such a job.

If only I had more time to decide on who will take my place. I have only but a century to train them in controlling the infinite mass of space.

I'm stressed beyond all belief. I cannot come to a decision like this.

In the mean time of deciding, Aurora is being held in a blip in the space time continuum, where she is everywhere and yet nowhere. She is in a sleep paralysis until I decide what to do with her.

I also resumed life back from Clinia to Earth, and they just paused and continued back. I removed from their memory any time they spent on Clinia, and who knows how long that was, so hopefully their memories aren't too jarred.

I don't think Aurora had them for very long, so most of their memories should be in tact, I think it should only clear any suspicions Mar had from Aurora's growing failings.

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