Author's Note

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If you got to the end, I cannot express how appreciative I am.

I fight back tears writing this, as this story really meant a lot to me.

It expressed a lot of my feelings for when times get tough, and I got so close to many of these characters, I don't know how I'll cope with not continuing their story. If you enjoyed this, I implore you to think about the characters every single once in a while. Many of them showed emotions that a lot of people can relate with, and hopefully they can be a blueprint for handling certain situations.

I've been writing about these characters and their journeys for two years, and as a young writer, that's a good chunk of time for me. While much of this story wasn't my best writing, I wrote what I felt the characters would say and what they thought was most important to mention in their minds.

Many times I wasn't sure the story would go anywhere and I would procrastinate writing specific chapters as I didn't know where to take it.

I battled with myself on many ways to take the story, but while it didn't end on the happiest of notes, that's just how life goes sometimes and it cannot be helped.

I think this story represents a lot of myself. Mar was a much sassier and braver version of me. Alayah showed compassion, Dean showed desperation, Ezra was love and silliness, Lawson was a role model, and many other characters played significant factors into my emotions manifesting themselves.

I loved writing this story and I cannot thank everyone enough for getting through it with me.

Writing was my passion when I was young, and while I've lost much of my motivation and skill level, I still enjoy creating a world through a few words that can build it inside of other people's minds too with their own interpretations.

Thank you so much, and I hope you liked the story.

Love, the author, Cara

Devil of CliniaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora