Let The Devil's Words Guide You

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I sit on the curb, reflecting what worked in the past, but I know deep down I have to move on. This is new magic I'm working with. It isn't even the same person I'm working against.

I rest my hand on my throbbing ankle. If I can make a brace somehow, I would be in much better shape. Bending my ankle is only going to make it worse, and just walking is going to do simply that.

I look around to see what there is, but the most helpful thing is a veterinary office. Actually that could work.

I balance myself on one foot and hobble over. The doors aren't locked, but there's a person in white scrubs with a purple trim standing with greyed out eyes completely still.

"Uh hello?"

No reply.

It seems Aurora is beginning to spawn her traps.

This person is still loading, so before they have the chance to, I run through the door to look in the cabinets. I worry about the suffering I'm putting my ankle through later, right now I just have to get in and out as quickly as possible.

I go through each cabinet to look for some kind of wrap.

I find two rolls and stash them in my pants pocket. I hear a high pitched computer noise and I dash out as quickly as my injured body will take me.

I steady myself after I've gotten far enough away. The pain spikes and claws through my skin as I catch my breath and sit down on a liberty green metal bench. I rip the cover off of the wrap and catch it before it sprawls across the floor. I twirl it around my pointer finger and grab ahold of the end to begin twisting it around my ankle as tight as I can before it cuts off circulation.

I bite my tongue as the pain fights against me. My ankle is wrapped, and I tie a knot.

I stand up and slightly try to bend my ankle, but it keeps mostly straight. "Great." I say quietly, allowing myself to plop back down on the bench, still trying to catch my breath.

I don't know where to go from here, but I- feel as though I should go forward. I could make my way to the tall tower.

Where is the tall tower even? I guess I can just look up for the tallest tower.

Yes I should do that. I should look for the tallest tower and go there. My friends will find me later.

Friends? I've yet to call them my friends. I don't know if they would consider me that. I barely know others, even if I did want to consider Ezra my friend or Lawson. Katrina is about the only friend I'm sure about.

I feel tempted to do as the whisper in my mind says, very strongly so.

Yet it feels wrong, like it isn't exactly a gut instinct nor is it paranoia. Just temptation. But why? There's no reason I should feel the need to go there. My suspicion tells me I shouldn't go, but the temptation is just so pushy in my brain.

The tower is where I shall go. They will find me later, I'm sure of it.

Aurora couldn't get in my head, could she?

She could create an illusion around me sure, but she couldn't infiltrate my mind?

But how would I have felt the snow or anything else?

Maybe Cosmo could do the same. I don't know exactly what it is that I'm up against.

I limp ahead to the tall tower. It's a good distance away, and each step is another mental or verbal 'ow.'

All I can hear in my head is a repeated 'To the tower' voice, which sounds much like my own.

I try to divert my attention to thinking about the group. Do they care that I'm gone? Has anyone ever cared? Will anyone care?

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