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Aurora's POV
My abilities are dwindling. I don't have as much power as Cosmo to maintain Clinia without Mar getting suspicious. At any point in time my holograms are going to start glitching or acting out of the ordinary.

The other people she knows that are humans are suspicious at all, but they will be if Mar starts to trust them and gets in their heads. I brought all of the original people from Clinia that Mar knows back, except for Taylor.

I'm tempted to ask Cosmo to help me stabilize Clinia, but I would have to overlay another world above it to mask what I'm doing if he were to give me more power, and with how strained I've been with what I already have, I don't know if I can manage to successfully have an entire other fake world on top of Clinia without something going horribly wrong.

Clinia already isn't itself since I've made it appear to look like regular earth.

The real question of the matter is if Cosmo is willing to help me or not, I'm in a way executing his plan, and I could help him with it if he wants to lead the operation.

I don't know what I've gotten myself into, but they really isn't a way for me to back out now. So long as Mar never figures out that it's me who's trying to pull the strings of her life I'm as good as gold.

I do think she'll start to question why I'm not there anymore, so I will have to exert a bit more power to create a lifelike clone of myself. If I can remove a couple clones of people she hasn't met, I should be able to focus more energy on making myself act more emotionally accurate.

Indubitably, my clone works fine so long as I've taken energy from a few other clones that I just need to keep away from Marlow.

Now that I've repurposed some energy, I take a deep breath in, and call for Cosmo into the depths of space.

I can't hear my voice at all as it travels for light years into the infinite mass of darkness.

Somehow, it manages to reach Cosmo's ears, and he whirls from a portal in front of me and steps out while adjusting his tie.

"You've beckoned me?"

"Yes," I clear my throat like I'm about to propose a business proposition, which I technically am.

"I did something you may or may not approve of. I brought Mar back to Clinia and a couple of the original people from the experiment. I've constructed a fictional replica of a section of the earth that Mar was used to. She's starting to get suspicious and is going to end up trusting people from the original experiment and is going to figure out that it was me and that she's in another experiment." I ramble through my words and finally catch a breath.

"Aurora Benson, you have broken my trust-"

"Wait, wait! You never got to complete your experiment, but imagine how it could work out if you had help this time! You can call the shots and run it, I'm willing to work on the sidelines and be there when needed."

"First of all, I do not need you, and you are not allowing or willing me to do anything. Remember who gave you those powers and please keep crystal clear who it is that can at any moment he wishes take them away. That being said, I've grown bored with nothing to do. I was going to set up an experiment on Targula, but I believe I've found a more interesting experiment to work on now. This is a test for not only Mar and her group of friends, but for you. You've behaved poorly and have grown corrupt. I am ashamed to say out of the immeasurable amount of living organisms in the infinite existence of space YOU find that you are most important to me out of them all, and that out of every single one of the mass murderers out there it is you that I must punish like a naughty child." He places his hand on his forehead.

I debate speaking, but he looks up and waves his hand.

"Away with you. Shut down your experiment and I'll begin one myself."

"Will I be at your side?"

"You think after all of that I'm going to blindly trust you when you've proved that you are willing to backstab every friend you have ever made? I'm not your friend, Aurora. You already have betrayed me and you would most certainly do it again. However I will gladly wipe your memory and you can be my newly born assistant with a little retraining. Farewell." He says as he begins to flick the restart spell at me.

"Wait no don't-"

Devil of CliniaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя