2. Human Zoo

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We sit behind the bars staring out into the void of aliens disguised as people staring at us. The human doll house was rather nice though. It looked like a mansion, but without the front half. It wasn't very wide but there were a lot of floors.

"Oh crap." Mar worriedly says.

"What is it?"

"I have to go to the bathroom but there isn't any privacy here! If they really wanted accuracy they would give us privacy in the bathroom." She says a bit loudly in hopes Cosmo will show up and add a wall for the restroom area. He doesn't.

"I didn't think about that." I say stiffly.

"Now I really know how an animal feels," Mar groans, "I suppose I just have to get it over with."

She stands up quickly and adjusts her shirt.

"Wait! Wait! Please stop before you expose yourself!" Cosmo awkwardly chuckles. "I apologize for the inconvenience. This is a mistake I made, which rarely occurs." He waves his hand and a wall fizzles into existence in front of the bathroom.

"As much as I don't want to be here, thank goodness." I breathe out relief.

The sun glazed over the seats and aliens placed neatly in them.

"Come now, Aootog, let's get going." A mother alien pulls her child along.

"But I want to keep looking at the humans, it's my first time seeing them." Aootog says sweetly.

"We haven't the time, we have to pick up your brother."

"But they're pretty." Aootog frowns.

"Oh alright, five more minutes buddy."

Aootog comes up closely to the bars and sticks his finger in between the gaps. "Come here little humans." He says in a soft voice.

Mar and I look at each other.

"We could use him for leverage," Mar whispers to me, "hold him hostage."

"No! We can't do that." I say firmly.

"Ugh you are no help at all, I'll do it myself. You can rot here if you would like."

I know she doesn't mean it. She's hurt, sour, bitter, and most of all- lacking trust.

"I promise Mar, this won't help us. I'm sure there's a better way-" "Then what's the better way, Aurora? Hm?"

I stutter as I think of a reply.

"That's what I thought. Now help me snag this thing." She pointed to Aootog.

"Look mommy, it's pointing at me!" He cheerfully yells over to his parent who's anxiously waiting a short distance away.

"Very nice, son." She nervously replies, clutching her leather red purse tightly.

I don't move, but Mar does it on her own.

She leans in slowly to gather the trust of the alien child, and grabs him by the arm, and yanks him towards the metal bars which he smacked up against. "Mommy!" He screams in terror.

"Aootog!" She shrieks. She dropped her purse and runs close to where her son was.

"Step back! I'm diseased and I'll poison your child at will."

"Oh my!" The mother takes a few steps back.

Other members of the audience glance over and gasp. The whispering and yelling begins.

The constant clamoring begins to make my ears sting.

"Someone call Cosmo!" A middle aged alien yells.
"We better get our money back!" An old man alien yells.
"What's going on?" A younger alien questions.

"Woah now." Cosmo appears from a floating holographic staircase.

The voices come to a relieving and calming halt.

Thank goodness. My poor ears couldn't have taken much more noise.

"Why don't we let the kid go?" Cosmo suggests lightly, as he inches closer to the scene.

"Why don't you let us go?" She retorts.

"Touché, Mar. You are more clever than I bargained you for."

"Good, now let me free or the kid-"

"The kid what? It's not like you can really harm him. You haven't a natural weapon like other animals on your planet do. Where are your claws or ferocious teeth?" He laughs and the crowd joins him.

"I'll strangle him." She fixes her grip.

This is getting dark.

"In case you haven't noticed, we aren't human. We aren't even inhabiting the same planet. We don't breathe air here so what does it matter? Maybe you aren't that smart."

She thinks a minute.

"Come now, let the kid go." Cosmo soothes his voice once he's stopped laughing at Mar's ignorance.

She obliges, letting the child go. Thank goodness.

"You humans are very curious. Your personalities and wills certainly vary. Just how far will you go for this fickle freedom you so desire, Marlow?" He leans his face in closely with a devilish grin. He snaps himself back to stand up straight and lifts his arms in a shrugging motion saying, "I believe that'll be all for the human exhibit today. Come again. I'll discount all of your payments from today for the lack of respect from our animals."

We both give him a dirty look.

"I suggest you behave come tomorrow." He walks away with a serious yet disappointed look upon his face.

"Believe me, we will." I say staring harshly at my 'cellmate'.

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