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Mar's POV

I woke up feeling like I slept the best I had in weeks.

I had a really weird dream that I went back to Clinia. Thankfully that's impossible. Life is perfect as it is right here on Earth.

I shifted my way out of bed, scooting with little motivation towards the edge. I went just a little too far off because I tipped to the side and panicked to get my arms from underneath the covers so I could flail and stop myself from falling off.

I wouldn't have noticed that anyone else was over at the house except I hear rumbling by the stairs.

I'm curled up in a ball sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen as I eat my cereal in attempted peace.

The rumbling gets louder and I hear two people laughing and screaming.

A final crash waves by and I tense up at the noise.

I spring up from my seat to see what happened.

I gaze my eyes upon Lawson and Ezra clustered together at the bottom of the staircase. They have a lasso twisted around one another and they both are wearing cowboy hats. Lawson is wearing a brown hat with a golden star in the middle, and Ezra is wearing a plastic neon blue cowboy hat.

"What on earth are you guys doing?" I squawk.

They struggle to stop laughing after they tumbled down the stairs, and both try at least three times to speak before the other talks over them.

"One at a time for the love of my sanity." I rub my temples, and arch my eyebrow.

"We were- haha- running after- and he!"

God it was pointless.

I grab Lawson's arm and unwrap him from the lasso that's around his leg and arm.

I pull him up from the floor and leave Ezra to his floor life.

"We found an old toy box and there was an unopened Cowboy Kit from the 50's in there, and then I happened to have a spare hat that I gave Ezra. We were just being stupid and-" "Fell down the stairs?" I add, "Yeah that too." He laughs when he looks back at Ezra, still trying to untangle himself.

"What was that?" Our mother emerges from her room in a robe over her striped pajamas. "Sorry Mrs. Crosston." Ezra says as he finally manages to set himself free.

"Oh I don't mind the noise I just want to make sure everyone is okay. Did you fall down the stairs, Ezra?"

"They both did," I say, "were playing cowboy like a bunch of 9 year old kids."

Ezra stuck his tongue out at me. How mature.

"Never expected you to be such a party pooper." Ezra stands up and walks over to where Lawson and I are.

"Only in the mornings on weekends." I say and I stick my tongue out back at him. I turn and walk back to where I was previously enjoying my breakfast.

Suddenly as I'm walking, it's almost like déjà-vu, but more like I can't remember something before.

"You okay?" Lawson asks as he walks past me with a piece of toast in his hand. "You've been standing there for like ten minutes just staring at the ceiling."

It felt like only a second. A minute at most.

How would I not remember standing there looking at the ceiling for ten minutes? I wasn't even looking at the ceiling, was I? I last remembered looking ahead of me to get to my cereal, which is probably soggy now.

"Yeah, I guess I'm fine." I grab my cereal bowl and wash it out. I go back upstairs and lay down in bed as I contemplate what happened.

I got out of bed, I ate cereal, Ezra and Lawson fell down the stairs, I talked to them, mom checked on us, I went back to my cereal after Ezra's remark, and then I went blank. Why did I go blank?

Now I can't even remember why I stopped walking in the first place.

I pull out my whiteboard and begin writing. What am I forgetting? Why have I suddenly become so forgetful. I remembered everything for a while, why is it going away again? Is it because Aurora's gone? Did she go back to Cosmo and leave Earth? If she did, why so abruptly?

I break my vow, and start to piece things together.

Author's Note: I've been pushing out 5 or more chapters this week, sorry this is a shorter chapter, but things are about to ramp up! Get ready for the story to hopefully meet your expectations and go wild!

Questions for you if you want! I just want to know as the author these things.

1. Which do you like more so far, Angel of Clinia or Devil of Clinia
2. Who's your favorite character?
3. Which character would you like to see more of?
4. Any character ships?
5. Any characters you particularly don't like?

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