(4) Sunset

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„I found a stream. About a seven-minutes-walk north." You declare. Sixteen immediately gets to his feet. The sun is already setting but his wound needs to be finally cleaned. Without saying a word, Hux grabs one of the branches that's still burning and hands it to you. Then he grabs one himself. Looking at the corpse of the animal, you get an idea.

"Just a moment." You hand Hux the torch back and kneel down next to the cadaver. He follows you and holds the torch up so that you can see what you're doing. Grabbing your knife, you start to saw off one of the exposed ribs. It makes a nasty sound when you manage to break it off, but now you have a second weapon. It's lighter than you expected, and you wipe the remaining blood off in the grass to make it less slippery. Then you hand it to Hux as he gives you the torch back.

"Let's go." He says and walks in the direction you gave.

Wary of your surroundings, you make your way through the undergrowth. A quiet twilight beleaguers you. The crackling of the torches is calming. It makes you forget where you are. Instead, you enjoy a walk in the woods which you haven't experienced since you joined the First Order years ago. Admittedly, you didn't consciously miss it. Nevertheless, it's nice.

The purling of the stream becomes audible, and you're relieved that you found the way back without accidently taking a detour. "Try to wash it the best you can." You order the Trooper. He kneels down next to the water. You see him stagger. He must be in great pain.

Scanning the trees around the water, you point at two of the bigger ones. They offer enough space for you to sit down in them and possible sleep. There is no way you will sleep on the ground after you got attacked by that animal.

You drive the torch into the ground next to one of the trees. Jumping up, you get a hold of a larger branch and pull yourself up. The surface of the grey tree is smooth. It makes it harder to climb, more comfortable to sit down on though.

You climb up a few feet until you're a tolerable height above the ground. The branches spread in such a way that you could lay down between them without the fear of falling down. Letting yourself dangling down from a smaller branch you can properly hold on to, you tell Hux: "It should be safe to sleep up here. At least safer than on the ground." Then you let go and let out a small oof when you land on the ground. Again, you could swear Hux lets out a small chuckle.

You check out the other tree. It offers enough space for one person up there. While you walk over to the Trooper, Hux walks around the trees to see if there is anything dangerous nearby.

"How are you doing?"

Sixteen raises his head: "Alright."

You see the sweat on his forehead. Hoping the wound won't get worse, you offer him your hand to pull him to his feet. "I don't know if there is flora on this planet that will help but I'll look tomorrow."

"Thank you." He nods. "I appreciate it."

"Of course."

He shakes his head no: "I have never seen an Officer of your rank care for a Trooper like that."

You take a look at Hux. He's too far away to hear it.

"Well, you're welcome." You give Sixteen a smile.

It takes some effort, but eventually he manages to get into the tree. "Rest." You tell him. "You'll feel better tomorrow."

He nods and smiles at you.

When you turn around, you see Hux observing you. Under any other circumstances, you would dread only the thought of sleeping next to the General, but you really don't care right now. You were shot out of the sky today. Managed to escape the wreck by destroying the front shield of the ship. You towed a Trooper in full armor to the shore. Walked about five miles in heavily drenched clothes. Killed a big animal...amongst other things. You're fine with laying next to Hux if it means you can finally sleep.

He doesn't question it either. After you climbed up first, you lean down to help him up as well. He looks annoyed that he needs your help but doesn't say anything. You realize how little he said since you fought. You don't comment on it.

Instead, you silently take off your jacket to use it as a blanket instead. The weather is mild. You're really lucky that you crashed on this planet. Good decision, you tell yourself.

Hux sits down as far away as the branches allow. It makes you smile. Extending your legs, you let out a groan.

"I can already feel my back getting messed up by this." You mumble.

"I would give one of my insignias for a bed right now." Hux comments.

It makes you let out a surprised laugh. It's quiet for a moment, then he compliments: "You did good today."

You raise your head, taking your eyes off the night sky to look at him: "Oh maker, did General Hux just praise me?"

"Don't push it." He scolds you, but the amusement in his voice betrays his stern face.

This is the first time you actually look at him. It's also the first time you properly have eye contact. Now, that you don't have the urge to yell at him for any reason, you notice that he has quite a handsome face. His sharp cheekbones match his jawline, and his full lips draw your attention to them.

You have to force yourself to look back up at the sky. Your eyes get heavy; however, curiosity gets the better of you. "What did you mean to say to me earlier today?"

Hux doesn't answer immediately, but you both know that he knows what you're referring to. Eventually, you look back at him and he tells you: "I didn't mean to snap at you."


He sighs: "The only reason I'm saying this, is because – as you were kind enough to point out – you saved my life twice today: I enjoy being around you."

You sit up straight: "What?"

"I won't say that again."

You smile brightly: "Fair enough...Will you though when I get us off this planet?"

At that question, he laughs. It's the first time you hear that.

"If you-"

"When." You interrupt him.

"When you get us off this planet, I'll tell you that every day."

Giggling, you roll to your side in hopes it will be more comfortable.

"Looking forward to it." You tell him, already half asleep.

"Me too." Hux mumbles.

With a sigh, you finally close your eyes. 

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