(20) close call

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Baffled, you stand in the hangar and watch as Armitage's ship takes off. In mere minutes, everything went to shit. You're equally angry with Ren, Armitage, and yourself. Ren, for behaving like the ass he is, Armitage for talking to you like he did, and yourself for ever letting Ren into your head.

You somewhat understand Armitage for being angry, or rather embarrassed and lashing out because of that, but the way he completely lost his trust in you is what hurts the most. Shaking your head, you keep standing where you are, even though the ship is long gone. You're frozen. It's like you have to stay here until you find a solution. Even though you are well aware there isn't one right now.

"Ma'am?" Someone suddenly addresses you. It makes you roll your eyes that they didn't use your title, but you cannot be bothered to correct them right now.

You turn around to find a nervous looking officer before you: "Yes?"

"I- ehm, the Supreme Leader awaits you in the conference room."

"He what?" You ask, stunned.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, he said it's urgent."

Stars, what did Ren do to this poor man?

Your eyes dart to his badges and back. He appears to be new on the job. So he probably is just nervous about talking to higher personnel. When he slightly turns his head to avoid eye contact, though, you see a red stripe on the side of his neck. Ren seemingly really is on a roll today.

"Did he do that?" You point at his neck. Hesitantly, the officer nods. The anger that still simmers inside you threatens to boil over.

"Take the rest of the day off. It will be fine."

He looks at you like he didn't understand a word of what you just said. Eventually, though, he nods at you and quickly walks away, like he's afraid you might change your mind.

It takes you a good minute before you can convince yourself that you just should get it over with and talk to the bitch and not provoke him further. Even though what you actually want to do is never show up and just enjoy the thought of him sitting in the conference room all alone, waiting for you. It would probably mean the death of the officer, however, and you don't want to risk that.

With a sigh that gets drowned out by the noises filling the hangar, you finally get going. You spend your time on the way up trying to guess what Ren could possibly want from you after what he just did. Mock you? Embarrass you? Punish you for having an affair with your colleague?

You take a moment to straighten your uniform before you waltz into the conference room. Ren sits at the end of the table, hands folded, mask off. He curiously observes your body language as you forcefully pull a chair to his right back to sit in it. His eyes dart over your face; there is a glimmer in them. Otherwise, his face is expressionless.

"You know, there is no need to almost kill an officer to make me talk to you. You can simply ask." You cut right to the chase.

Ren leans towards you, once again making you aware of his scent. Before he can reply, you blurt out: "Are you wearing perfume?"

His lips form into a smile: "Burberry."

You start to laugh: "I remember seeing the commercial. The model kind of looks like you."

"Does he now?" Ren leans even more against the table.

"Yeah. Do you wear it all the time or only when you plan on taking your helmet off?" You shoot right back, clearly insinuating he does it for you. And also telling him that you've been made aware of the fact that he only shows his face to you.

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