(8) Whispers in the Dark

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Apparently, neither of you expected this situation to occur. Not even two minutes ago. Now that you're in it, you don't really know what to do. You're clasping the other's face, lips pressed against each other. Neither of you moving.

Irritated, you let go of Armitage. You stare at each other, stunned by what just happened. It wasn't a proper kiss, really...However...

"I-" He tries to say something, voice faltering.

"Sorry." You mumble and get up as quick as possible to step out of the cave. Taking a few deep breaths, you shake your hands, trying to calm yourself down. This whole thing was already awkward enough. And now you just had to kiss him. "Idiot." You chide yourself.

"I don't think you're an idiot."

Armitage's voice makes you jump.

"Oh, for fucks sake." You mumble. You cannot even argue with yourself without making it embarrassing. You cross your arms in front of your chest.

"Why not?" You ask louder. You have nothing to lose anymore, you might as well be confrontational now.

He steps closer. You can feel the heat of his body.

"I think you're rather courageous."

Now you're completely confused: "What?"

"I wanted to kiss you so bad. Since...and I never dared to."

Your mouth falls open. It takes you a few seconds to process that information. He wanted to kiss you.

"Since when?" You blurt out.

Armitage looks at his feet. After clearing his voice, he admits: "Since you first yelled at me."

Your eyes widen and you let out a surprised laugh: "Really?"

He nods enthusiastically: "No one ever dared to do that since I became a higher-ranked officer."

"And you liked it?" Somehow, you simply cannot believe what he's saying.

"Why is that so strange to you?"

You chuckle, dragging your eyes across his body.

"Because," you force yourself to make eye-contact, "your General fucking Hux."

"What that's supposed to mean?" He seems taken aback.

Frustrated, you throw your hands up: "Oh, I don't know. Look, I- I'm sorry, I- even under these circumstances it was unprofessional. I..."

Armitage's face displays a mixture of amusement and nervousness.

"You what?"

Something is in his voice when he asks that. You find the same thing in his eyes. Yearning.

"Ah, fuck it." You dismiss your worries.

His body collides with yours when he takes a step towards you the second you open your arms for him. You bury your hands in his red hair, and this time – this time you don't just press your lips onto the other's. With a groan, Armitage snakes his arms around you, basically molding you into his own body.

Letting out a sigh, you lean into him, bathing in the sensation of touching him, being touched by him. You tilt your head and move your lips more aggressively.

"Oh!" He breathes out in surprise. You run your right hand up and down his neck, gently scratching the skin. His full lips wet yours as you keep making out, momentarily forgetting where you are.

You start to get fidgety. Letting your hands wander down to Armitage's chest, you start to open the buttons of his uniform. When the jacket falls open, you push it off his shoulders so that you can touch his naked arms and feel his chest better. As this is going on, he kisses the side of your neck, his breath hot on your skin.

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