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With a pop, his thumb leaves Ren's mouth.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You whisper.

He gets up from his chair. Hands on the table, he leans towards you: "You need to fix your attitude. Otherwise, this will not only be your first but also your last day on the job."

You mouth falls open. You hate that he is somewhat right. After all, he is the Supreme Leader. It's a wonder that you're even still alive after what you said to him over the course of the last hours.

The staring contest the two of you have going on is interrupted when Phasma and Hux enter the room. Armitage's eyes dart from your sparsely dressed torso to the jacket laying in front of Ren, who put his mask back on as soon as the door opened.

You extend your hand to greet Phasma: "Honor to meet you, Captain."

She takes off her silver helmet and gives you a smile, shaking your hand: "The pleasure is all mine."

How does everyone in this room look like a fucking model?

You sit down next to her as Armitage takes the seat opposite of you.

"What happened to your uniform?" Phasma asks.

You swear, if Ren's face was visible, you would see him grin smugly.

"Work." Is all the explanation you offer.

When he speaks up, everyone turns their head towards Ren. It's difficult for you to listen. Not only are you still angry with him, it's also the first time you get to officially work with Armitage. His stern face, the perfectly styled hair, and his work-voice are drastically different to how he talks to you. To how you make him moan and beg. Your thoughts drift off and you tilt your head, observing him as he explains something about the Storm Trooper program.

When he stops talking, you snap out of it, to notice that Ren's head is not turned towards him, but you. Shit. There is no way he didn't see you swoon all over Armitage. You clear your voice and shift in your seat.

Ren ends the meeting with declaring: "Phasma, I want you to work with our SG for the first week. Then we'll see."

You really want to say that that's not necessary. But you said it once today and it almost cost you your life. You decide not to push your luck and bite you tongue instead.

Relieved, you get up to leave the room, following Phasma and Armitage. However, you remember that your jacket is still lying on the table next to Ren.

With a sigh, you turn back. He already got up as well and is holding the jacket. You grab it but he doesn't let go. Even when you pull on it. Leaning closer to your face, he tells you: "I advise you to not get too involved with your colleagues."

Your eyes dart over his mask. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Finally, he lets go and you can leave. In the hallway, Phasma and Hux are chatting. As you hear Ren behind you, you loudly ask Armitage: "General, would you mind giving me some advice concerning the Troopers?"

"Of course." He politely nods.

"Wonderful." You smile and open the door to your quarters. He follows you inside. As the door slides shut, you stare at Ren who is walking by.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"What do you want to talk about?" Armitage asks, standing in the middle of your living room.

You look at him. His impeccable posture. The perfectly fitting uniform.

Kicking your boots aside, you order: "Take off your clothes and get on the bed."

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