(32) Troubled Mind

293 12 16

Your eyes shoot open. You're instantly awake.

The room around you is pitch black. You have to blink several times until you can make out the shape of the bedside table you're looking at. The silky sheets stick to your sweaty back. A dull pain makes your skull feel like it's about to implode. Simply collapse around your brain.

Then you hear what initially woke you up. A whimper.

You turn around, towards the noise. Your movement is hasty; because as you turn around, you remember who's whimper it is you're hearing: Kylo. You're in his bed.

He's lying in a fetal position, clutching a pillow, pressing it against his chest. His body is tense and shaking. You can make out his broad shoulders flexing.

The closer you scoot towards him, the worse the pain in your skull gets. You cannot imagine how bad it must be for him when all you feel is merely a projection of his agony.

Desperately wanting to make it stop, you reach out for him. Gently, you put your hand on his stiff upper arm. At first, he doesn't react. Then, however, his body stops spasming.

The relieved sigh you were about to let out is pressed out of your lungs as you fly backwards and hit the wall. You managed to shield your head, but your back collides with the hard wall full force. Tears instantly fill your eyes as you try to breathe through the pain.

Your head is buzzing, and vomit rises in your throat. Groaning, you get on all fours, forehead resting on the hardwood floor. You're panting, tears running down your cheeks and dripping onto the floor. Your rips feel like they are still vibrating inside your chest.

"Kylo." You breathe out, hoping to Maridun and back that he'll recognize your voice.

You're not sure where in the bedroom you are, but you hear his steps to your right. Heavy, his bare feet hit the floor. Your voice is brittle as you repeat: "Kylo." A sob escapes your lips. "Please."

But there is no arguing with whatever possessed him.

His large hand grabs a fistful of your hair and yanks your head up. Even in the dark you can make out his glistening eyes. You're forced to get up onto your wobbly legs to not have him rip out your hair. Your scalp burns and you try to reach for his arm, which earns you an invisible grip around your neck. The pain of your trachea being squeezed shut is excruciating.

"Please." You croak out, eyes wide and teary.

When Kylo speaks, you don't recognize his voice. It's deep and throaty and inhumane: "You think you can kill me?"

You frantically shake your head. Your lungs start to burn.

"You think you stand a chance?" Saliva hits your face as he spits out the words.

You close your eyes. Your heart is beating hard, desperate to keep you alive; To distribute the little oxygen you have left through your body. You want to tell him that...you can't even think anymore. Your survival instinct takes over and you stop trying to convince him that you're not a threat.

Grabbing his arm, you use it as leverage to lift your legs off the ground and swing them forwards. It's pathetic, really, how weak the impact on his chest is. But it's enough. Enough for him to let go of your hair and stumble two steps back.

Coughing and crying you scramble to your feet. Blindly, you run towards where you assume the bedroom door is. Your wrist hits the metal doorhandle, and a sharp pain shoots up your arm. You yelp, yanking the door open.

The living room is illuminated by the dim light of the fireplace that's still burning. The destroyed furniture, the whole room actually, appears sepia in the yellow light.

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