(11) behind closed doors

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The knock on the door causes you to let the datapad fall onto the bed. Since you're only wearing a bathrobe, you're not sure if you want to answer.

Another knock gets you moving.

After taking one deep breath, you push the button to open the door. Much to your dismay, there is a Trooper standing in front of you. They're holding out a tray with a variety of food. A little disappointed, nevertheless thankful, you take it. They give you a nod and leave. You didn't see their eyes, but you felt them looking at your décolleté.

With a sigh, you sit down at the dining table. Seeing all the food in front of you reminds you of how hungry you actually are. You devour everything in mere minutes, gulping down the bottle of water that came with it.

After pushing the empty tray away, you prop lay your arms out on the table and rest your head on them. Now that you can think properly again, your thoughts are racing. How will you return to work? Are you even allowed to? Did the Supreme Leader already fill your position with someone else? You cannot think of anyone you used to work with who would be as qualified as you are. You were gone for what? Maybe a week. You think about the rebel base you were originally sent to. That probably has been dealt with already.

There are other things to do though. Before you went on that disastrous mission, you tried to proof yourself of becoming the head of the entire medical crops, not just section 62A. It would not only mean better pay and bigger quarters, but you would also gain influence and standing inside the First Order. Maybe you could even work with the Supreme Leader himself. That would be the ultimate goal. To enter that circle of people. You know that Armitage is one of them. He, however, doesn't seem to particularly enjoy that position. The part of his position that forces him to spend time with Kylo Ren directly, that is.

Armitage. You pick your datapad back up. He still hasn't answered. You try to think of other explanations other than that you overstepped, and he hates you now. Frustrated, you throw It away and walk to the closet. Thank the maker they have proper clothes for you here. Not your uniform, which makes sense since that's custom made, but at least something you don't have to be ashamed of being seen in. You put on the black dress pants and black t-shirt, and sigh at the feeling of wearing fresh and nice clothes. Putting your hair in the required style, you decide to have a look at the base you're on. You've never been on a base this far out. It could be interesting to see. Also, you really miss talking to people. So, this could be quite nice.

Assuming this base has the same layout as every other, you turn right to make your way to the command center. Despite you not wearing your uniform, Troopers you walk by stand at attention and nod at you. You're surprised but manage to keep the stern demeanor. You like the sound the heels of the boots you're wearing make. On missions, you have to wear combat boots. Inside, however, you can wear the lighter top boots. The clicking sound they make is comforting to you. It's a familiar sound. The echo the glossy walls create makes you feel like the high-ranked officer you are again.

Catching a glimpse of your face in the mirroring black walls, you realize why the Troopers know who you are. The bruises on your face give it away. The fresh bandage around your hand. It makes you clench your jaw in anger. They don't recognize you because of your rank, but because of what happened to you.

You shake your head to get rid of the awful feeling that elicits inside of you.

When you finally arrive at the command center, you hesitate to walk inside. Do you really want to show your face in the state it is right now? You decide that you want to have a look at the command room, and you'll be damned if the Rebels keep you from doing that. Determined, you push the button, and the big doors slide open with a hissing sound.

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