(27) aftershock

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Having a warm body in bed next to you is not something you are used to. The only time Armitage slept close to you was while you were stranded on Maridun and on the base in the outer rim. Since you've been back on Starkiller Base, he only stayed a bit after you had sex. It didn't bother you. But now, that you feel Kylo's breath on the side of your neck, you realize that you missed it.

Your mind rushes through the memories you have of Armitage. You notice how most of the good ones are far away. In the end, there was tension – not the sexy kind – anger, and sadness.

In the end.

Your fists clench and your legs twitch.

Kylo's hand is on your arm in an instant. He runs his hand up to your shoulder and back down to your fist to make you relax it. Then, he brushes his thumb over every single finger until you open your palm, and he can intwine his fingers with yours.

You inhale deeply.

A thought suddenly is in the forefront of your mind.

"Why did you take off your mask when...oh. Was it because you see my aura?"

He lets out a light chuckle at your question.

"No, and yes. Through the visor, I could only see a glimmer. It irritated me."

You hum to acknowledge his statement, and then ask: "Is it true that you don't take it off otherwise?"

"Yes." His voice is suddenly stern.

You lean to the side and switch on the light on your nightstand. You have to blink a few times to adjust your eyes. When you look at Kylo, you see him observe you vigilantly. His head rests on a cushion, face turned towards you. The blanked up to his waist, you can only see the black t-shirt he's wearing.

Head propped up on your hand, you lie on your side. Slowly, you lift your other hand to push a few strands of hair that fell into his face aside. You see his jaw clench when your fingers get closer to his face, but he lets you go on. Gently, you tug the hair away, allowing your hand to linger on the side of his face for just a moment.

"Why?" You finally ask the question that was hanging above your heads.

You can see him actually considering answering, but then he just shakes his head no.

"Okay." You say softly. You'd like to know but you don't mind not to.

The longer you look at his face, the more beautiful it becomes. It also completely disconnects Kylo form Supreme Leader. Would you perceive him as Supreme Leader right now, you would probably lose your mind. After all, he's in your bed.

"Can I touch you?" You ask coyly.

His micro expressions soften just slightly, but you notice. Then he scoots a little closer and nods.

Your heart is fluttering, and you can feel your pulse in your fingertips. Yes, you made out; but it was hasty. Now, you actually get to take him in.

You start with his full bottom lip and trace it with your thumb. Just lightly, you press on it. Kylo's eyes flutter shut. Then, you use your index finger to follow his nose up until you reach his forehead. From there, you brush over his right browbone and all the way around his face over his cheekbone, back to his lips. Lightly, you grab his chin and pull him towards you. Kylo tilts his head up. You lean over and gently press a kiss to his lips. He sighs into your mouth. The soft sound surprises you.

When you lean back, he opens his eyes. His gaze is intense but tender.

You scoot closer so that you can take his hand and kiss the back of it. Then you hold it against your chest.

Sky Fall [ReaderxGeneralHux&KyloRen]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz