(10) Survivors

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"Hijack the Millennium Falcon? You cannot be serious."

"I am. Honestly, at this point, it seems like the best idea we had in days."

Hux sighs: "I really hate that you are right."

"It's settled then." You get up.

You're thankful, once again, that the sun is shining down on you. Because, once again, you are drenched to the bones. Slowly, you start to dread even the sound of water. The last swimming adventure not only robbed you of your enjoyment of baths, but you also lost the fishes you prepared. You try not to be annoyed. You shouldn't make a fire anyways, now that you know that Rebels are nearby. However, the hunger is starting to get to you, and you have to try even harder not to get snappy.

A few miles down the river, the stony wasteland finally gets replaced by a refreshing grassland, as the river splits up in many smaller streams. The ground gets mossy, and the smell of wet earth excites you. The air is more humid now, which is a welcome change from the sandy winds that made your throat dry the past day. Armitage and you inhale deeply as you welcome the fresh air.

Before you lies a muddy path that, when you follow it, should lead you straight to where you saw the Falcon land. About a mile away you see small trees and bushes, shielding off whatever kind of Rebel base is behind it.

"Can you shoot?" Armitage suddenly asks.

"Yeah, sure. Why? We don't even have blasters."

"How good?" He ignores your question. You stop walking, causing him to barge into you.

He mumbles an apology but doesn't really step away from you. Still touching your shoulder with his, he explains: "If the plan is supposed to work, you need to be an excellent shooter."

"The plan?"

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"Great plan." You mutter under your breath. "Can you shoot?" You repeat his words mockingly. "It would have been good to know beforehand that it would require me crawling through mud."

Armitage, who is walking a few feet to your left, whisper-shouts back: "Shut up! You're not the one who will most likely be shot by Rebels at first sight."

"In case you forgot, we were already shot by Rebels! Which is why we are here in the first place."

"Will you stop?!"

"Fine." You mutter and keep crawling. Slowly, but surely, you make your way through the bushes.

A landing strip comes into sight. Two x-wings are parked close to the Falcon. When you look around, you can make out the pilots belonging to them. You recognize one of them. He's the one you made eye contact with when they attacked Armitage and you next to crash site. Wiping the dirt off your hands, you look at Armitage, who is standing far behind you, one last time. He gives you a nod.

"Don't die!" You whisper.

He smiles.

There are a few boxes stacked somewhat close to you. With a pounding heart, you sprint towards them. They offer enough cover for you to hide behind. Carefully, you lean to the side and look around. There are maybe ten people walking around. Not one of them is visibly carrying a weapon. On the one hand, that's good, because they cannot shoot you. On the other hand, it's bad, because you cannot steal one to shoot them.

Zigzagging through the pallets and stockpiles, you run towards the ship you want to get on to.

You hope that Armitage is able to see you, because you need to get the timing right. To your horror, one Rebel is walking towards you, and you cannot run back without being seen. You grab your knife. When they are right next to you, you lunch at them. He lets out a surprised groan that is muffled by your hand on his mouth. You throw him to the ground, legs locked around his waist, pressing the knife to his throat.

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