(7) Off-Road

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The soundscape of the forest and the crackling of the fire engulf you and Armitage as you keep sitting still next to each other, holding hands. Another sound becomes audible. His breathing. It gets quicker. So does your heartbeat. His hand is cooler than expected. You welcome the sensation. Slowly, it warms up in yours. Your pulse feels almost violent. You're sure he can feel it in your fingers.

Trying to calm yourself down, you start to relativize the gesture of holding hands. It's just a sign of camaraderie. You're sure, it just means you want to let the other know that you're here for them. That you have each other's back, nothing more. Nothing romantic.

Just thinking that word makes the hairs on your arms stand up. That's absurd. This means nothing. Nothing.

Caught up in this inner monologue, you don't hear what Armitage says to you.

"Sorry, what?" You look at him.

His eyes are attentive when he repeats: "I said, the meat appears to be done."

Just as observantly, you look back at him as you agree: "Right." You didn't even take a look at the meat. His face is way too captivating.

A silence follows. Neither of you moves. You just stare at each other. Still holding hands. The tension sends shivers down your spine. It's just the low blood sugar, you keep telling yourself. It makes this situation appear more intense than it actually is.

Armitage clears his voice: "We should take it off the fire."

His eyes dart to your lips and back.

"We should." You whisper, barely hearing your own voice.

An especially loud crackling sound makes you snap out of the trance. Your head shoots around and you let go of his hand. Armitage doesn't stop you. He just watches as you get the meat and use your knife to slice it into several parts.

Surprisingly easy, you manage to make small talk while you eat. Your mind starts to clear up. You have to keep yourself from chuckling at how much you read into the former situation. It is General Hux you are talking about here. The whole thing is ridiculous. As if this man cares about you more than he would care about any other person that saved his life and he has to survive with on this planet. He's literally forced to spend time with you. Sure, he said he likes to be around you. But that cannot mean much, given the circumstances.

When you're done eating, you stretch your arms and legs one last time before getting up. "What are you thinking about?" Armitage suddenly asks.

"Just about how I will get us off this planet so that you'll be forced to tell me everyday that you enjoy being around me."

You bite your tongue. The second part of that statement really wasn't necessary. You could have left it at how I will get us off this planet. But no! You had to flirt with him.

He looks at you, letting out a quiet chuckle: "That really did it for you, didn't it?"

Your eyes widen: "What? No! I- I simply meant-" You don't like how loud you answered that question – tried to answer that is. You're damn sure that the corners of Hux' lips twitch.

"Whatever." You desperately try to play it off.

It is only now that you notice how close he is standing to you. Did he come closer? You cannot remember being able to make out the details of his irises a few seconds ago.

If he did, his boldness evaporates the second he sees the confused look in your eyes. However he interprets it, it makes his cheeks flush and say: "Let's get going. We'll be able to make it a few more miles before we lose the sunlight."

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