(14) duty calls

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"Why would the Supreme Leader call for you?" Hux asks concerned as you jump off the bed.

"I don't know!" You rush to put fresh clothes on, basically bathing yourself in deodorant.

He scoots to the edge of the bed and observes your hectic movements.

"Did this happen before?"

"No!" You look around, finally seeing your knife lying on the floor next to the bed. You strap it back in place.

Suddenly, Armitage's hand is on your arm. You freeze. His eyes are wide, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it?"

"Do you have any idea why the Supreme Leader would want to see you?"

You shake your head: "No. I mean...I applied for leadership of the Medical Corps." After a pause, you ask: "Are you worried?"

"No." He states with a calm voice, even though he cannot hide the fear in his eyes. Then he tells you: "I'll come with you."

"I don't think that's necessary."

"It's not that I think you incapable of...Oh,", he throws his hands up in defeat, "I don't know!"

"You are worried."

He looks on the floor: "I have seen what Ren did to others. I just don't want it to happen to you."

Putting a hand on his cheek, you make him look at you to assure him: "That's really sweet of you, but it will be fine. He probably only wants a statement about the crash. You should check your datapad. Ren might want to talk to you too."

"I hope you're right." Armitage sighs.

You give him a smile and kiss his cheek. Then you nod towards the door: "Go, I'll see you at the base."

He grabs your shoulders and pulls you in for a proper kiss. You sigh before burying your hands in his already messy hair. After gently biting your bottom lip, he leans his forehead against yours and whispers: "I owe you one. Come and collect it whenever you want."

Confused, you lean back to look into his eyes: "Owe me what?"

With a grin on his face, he replies: "An orgasm."

Surprised, you choke on air. It still catches you off guard when the very stern General Hux says stuff like that. Smutty stuff.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Now that you're actually walking towards the conference room Ren ordered you to meet him in, you're not as sure about this as you were before. After arriving on Starkiller Base, you barely had the time to enjoy the sweet welcome back greetings by your colleagues and subordinates as you immediately rushed to your quarters to finally put your uniform back on. A look in the mirror told you about the bruises on your face and how they are still visible. You try not to think too much about your appearance as you go to knock on the door. But before your knuckles meet the black wood, it swings open, and you find yourself face to face with the Supreme Leader himself.

To say that it's overwhelming is an understatement. His broad figure towers over you, the mask not letting you know anything about his facial expression. As he steps to the side to let you enter, you realize the reason he knew you were in front of the door, is because he could sense it.

You're not sure where you should sit at the long, shiny table so you just stand next to it, waiting for Ren to say something. You feel his gaze on you and resist the urge to fidget. Instead, you stubbornly keep standing at attention. However, when he starts talking with his modulated voice right next to you, you cannot stop yourself from flinching.

Sky Fall [ReaderxGeneralHux&KyloRen]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora