(21) falling for it

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For a few seconds, you just stare at Armitage's name flashing on the screen of your datapad. Then you tap the button to accept the call.

"Hey." You greet him. The smile on your face feels a little forced.

His face is stern, and he looks extremely professional. You can tell that he is in the small office on board of his ship.

"Did you just come back from training?"

"What? No. Why?"

"Because your cheeks are flushed."

Your hand flies to your face: "Really? No, I just had dinner."

Your pulse speeds up. You didn't do anything wrong, but it feels like it.

"Who did you have dinner with?"

"Phasma. She laughed at me for still having bruises, so I threw a tomato at her."

Armitage's serious face softens a bit, and you see the corners of his mouth twitch. You know that you probably shouldn't mention Ren, after what happened, but you always told Armitage about... "Ren was really annoying today."

"Annoying?" His voice tells you that he's immediately on edge.

"He apparently is convinced that I like him. Or rather, that I like his perfume."

"Ren is wearing perfume?"

"Yeah." You nod.

"Never noticed." Armitage replies briskly, his lips tight.

It's quiet for a moment. You didn't address your fight at all. But he called. That has to be a good sign.

"How's the mission going?"

"Everything's fine."


You hear someone call for Armitage.

"I have to go." He tells you.

"Can't that wait for a minute?"


"Wait, I-"

The call ends.

"Well, fuck you too!" You shout at the black screen. Frustrated you throw the datapad onto the floor. You hear it shatter.

"Oh, that's just great." You mumble and start to collect the pieces. You're so tired, you can barely see straight. The stress just keeps piling up.

As you walk through the living room to get to the garbage disposal, the door to your quarters is opened. That's impossible without your fingerprint, unless...Yep. Ren forced it open.

He barges into the room. Dumbfounded, you stare at him.

"Are you alright?" He sounds seriously worried.

"What?" You have absolutely no clue what he's doing here.

His eyes dart from the pieces of glass in your hand to your face: "What happened? I heard you scream and then something shattered."

"So you decided to break into my quarters?"

Since you are obviously not injured, he calms down a bit and straightens his back. You see the surprise on his face when realization hits him. He just ran over here without thinking about it.

In his way, breaking down your door is probably a sign of...affection?

You go to throw away the pieces of glass and explain: "I broke my datapad."

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