(6) Flyby

461 17 3

The sound of the x-wings roaring through the air makes the earth vibrate. You cough and wipe the dirt off your face. Your head is spinning and you're not sure if the best course of action would be to play dead or to try to make it to the forest.

Groaning, you get on all fours and scan your surroundings. The earth around you is churned up, some of the grass smoking. The x-wings pulled up and it seems like they are flying a loop to come back.

A trench formed several yards in front of you. Getting back on your feet, you start to run towards it. "Hux!" You yell from the top of your lungs.

He's in the trench and gets up to look for you: "Here!"

With the x-wings circling back behind you, you run for your life.

"Come on!" Hux urges you.

Just when the ships start to fire, you throw yourself down, sliding the last feet towards the ditch. The plastoid plates you put on help you with that. Hux immediately grabs your arms and pulls you into it. For the moment, you're out of range for the laser canons, and the x-wings fly over your heads one more time.

Huddled together, both of you are breathing heavily, eyes full of panic.

"We need to get back to the forest." You declare.

Hux nods in agreement.

"I have a plan." You add. "Trust me?"

He grabs your face with both hands: "Always."

The gesture catches you off guard, but you don't have time to think about it.

"Okay. Lay down."

He holds your face a second longer and keeps his eyes on yours. Then he does as told. Laying flat on the ground, he looks at you expectantly. You crouch over him, forced to straddle his lap. When you hear the x-wings approach again, you tell him: "When I tell you to run, run."

Hux puts his hands on your thighs: "Don't die."

It makes you smile.

You know that the Rebels will aim their canons down lower if you stay in the ditch, inevitably killing the both of you. So, your plan is to make them fire too high. You take a deep breath and climb out the ditch. Seeing the x-wings approaching, you turn around and run as fast as you can. As you expected, they start to fire at you, not the trench.

You turn around and sprint back. For just a split second, you can make out the face of one of the pilots. He has tanned skin, black hair and a three-day beard. His eyes widen in surprise when he realizes that you are now running towards him.

Running zigzag, you manage to avoid being shot right in the chest. With a deafening roar, they fly over your head.

"Run, Armitage! Now!"

Instantly, he jumps up and sprints towards you. Your only chance to make it to the forest is that it takes them long enough to turn the ships around. Your lungs are burning, and you can't feel your legs anymore, but you don't stop until you cross the tree line. With a rumble, the x-wings fly by again, causing the trees to shake.

Just for a second, you allow yourself to rest. Armitage's cheeks are tinted red, and he's breathing just as heavily as you are. He tries to say something, but the words get lost in his breath.

"We have to keep going." You start to run again.

You can't go as fast as you did in the plains, having to duck under fallen trees and move through the undergrowth. However, the plants and trees around you give you cover and comfort.

Sky Fall [ReaderxGeneralHux&KyloRen]Where stories live. Discover now