(29) there and back again

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You take exactly three steps into the room before you stop and stand at attention. You try to stay as still as you can, as if that would make you invisible and Ren unable to kill you.

While you wait for him to say something, you allow your eyes to dart around the room. It's tidy, but not entirely impersonal. He has a few books, a drawing that you cannot quite make out because it's on the wall furthest away from you; his sofa is also quite large and looks surprisingly cozy. He even has a small fireplace in front of it.

If the layout is similar to your quarters, the door on the left should lead to his bedroom and the one on the right to his bathroom. He doesn't have a kitchen. A bar, however, stretches along the wall the paining hangs on.

When your eyes find Ren's again, you see amusement in them. It makes you furrow your eyebrows. You drag your gaze away from his gorgeous face and down his body. He's wearing something similar to when you met at the shooting range. When you kissed, and-

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He interrupts your swooning.

You clear your voice and play the one ace you have: "I managed to interrogate the Jedi."

"You what?" He's absolutely stunned. "It didn't look like that."

Jaw clenched, you try to not be pissed about his remark.

You fail. It annoys you that he undermined you instead of asking what you found out.

"What did it look like then?" You snap at him.

"Like you forgot what side you're on." Ren's arms are still hanging down by his side, but you see the muscles of his upper arms flex as his body tenses up.

You cannot help yourself but laugh in his face. Giving up on standing still, you point at yourself: "I might not employ the same methods as you are, but at least I get something out of it."

He raises his hand and goes to interrupt you, but you go on: "The reason I was able to help you during the attack, the reason I knew they came for the Wookie, fuck, the reason I even made it out the hangar alive, is because of one simple fact: I am not cruel."

Your voice gets louder and louder. The pent-up rage in you finally has a place and time to make itself known. So, you keep shouting at him: "I kept the Jedi alive because it was the only logical thing to do. She had information. You need that information. I was there to make sure you get a chance to talk to her."

Seemingly unimpressed by your outburst, Ren takes a step closer and asks: "What do you mean by I am not cruel?"

You sigh: "That's what concerns you?"


"For fuc...Fine. On Maridun, there was a Trooper with Arm- with Hux and me. I saved him from drowning. He later died, or so I thought, due to an infection. The Rebellion, that was trying to kill us, in case you've forgotten, must have found him. He's with them now. When I arrived at Base, during the attack, he was here. He made sure I wasn't killed by Rebels. Because he owed me. Because that's how people behave when you don't try to rule them with brute force. Pun intended."

Ren's eyes do not leave your face while you speak. His intense stare makes you nervous, but your need to explain yourself overweighs.

"So, you're telling me, that you kept a Trooper alive that later joined the Rebellion and led an attack on our Base that was successful because they had a Trooper with them that was stationed here?"

His smug face is about to make you explode. He knows damn well that it was Armitage who made it possible for them to highjack the Base. But you won't do him the favor and say that.

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