(5) Sunrise

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The light of the morning sun wakes you up slowly. Yawning, you sit up. Your entire body feels sore and tense. But at least you slept several hours. To your right, General Hux is still sleeping tightly. It's almost amusing how peaceful he looks. The sun makes his red hair look like it's on fire. His lips are slightly parted, and his chest is rising and falling evenly. You're not sure if he would prefer for you to wake him up now or let him sleep. You decide to wake him.

Crawling over to him, you carefully touch his shoulder and say quietly: "General." He lets out a hum but doesn't react otherwise. "Hux, we have to get going." You shake his shoulder a little. His eyes shoot open, and he looks at you. His first reaction to seeing you is to smile. It makes you smile right back.

Then the both of you blink in realization as you remember where you are.

You scoot back to give him space. Hux clears his voice but doesn't say anything. You just give him a nod and start to climb down the tree. The grass is moist with dew. You take a deep breath. The air is sweet. The rays of sunshine gleaming through the trees make the mist visible.

You stretch your back, then you let your head hang down, letting your arms swing left and right. It relaxes your shoulders. Lastly, you prop yourself up on your hands, extend your legs and lean down as far as you can. Holding the pose, you take another deep breath.

When you get back up, you notice Hux observing you, who is in the process of climbing down as well. It makes you remember the Trooper. You make your way over to the other tree.

He's laying on one of the bigger branches, head leaning down. You see the vomit on the ground below him. He seemingly didn't keep the food down. You sigh and curse.

"Trooper!" You call.

He does not react.

"Trooper!" Hux walks up next to you and yells louder.

Still no reaction.

"He must be really out of it." You comment and start to climb up to him.

"Hey, Sixteen." You lightly kick his calf. The leg doesn't move as it should after being hit.

"Oh no." You breathe out.

"What's going on?" Hux asks from below you.

Leaning over the Trooper, you grab his shoulder and push him off the branch. The body is stiff and falls right down. With a thump it lands on the ground.

Hux and you stare at it in disbelieve.

In a state of trance, you climb down. Hux sees you stagger and offers you his hands. He helps you down the tree. You don't let go of him, even when your boots step on the ground. He doesn't let go of you either. Instead, he squeezes your hands, his thumb rubbing the back of them. The leather gloves are warmer than expected.

"I told him he'll be fine." You whisper eventually.

"It's not your fault."

You never heard Hux' voice being this soft. It makes you take your eyes off the Trooper and look him in the eyes. They are soft as well.

"I didn't do my job." You disagree.

"Hell, of course you did."

Your eyes widen in surprise: "I never heard you curse, General."

When you use his title, he takes a step back. You chide yourself internally.

Kneeling down next to Sixteen, you turn his body around. His face is grey. Eyes closed. You shake your head and quietly tell him: "I'm sorry."

Sky Fall [ReaderxGeneralHux&KyloRen]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ