Missing You

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3rd person POV

I had been a day since Lena went missing and the team was getting no where. Kara is hoping for a better outcome as she and brainy walk through the doors of L-Corp.

As they walk into Lena's former office Lex frowned.

"You know, I really thought that was gonna be the last time I saw you Blondie. I see you brought the computer as well."

Brainy's eyes were filled with hatred as he stared toward the man who had brought his family pain.

"Cut the bullshit Lex you know what we are going to ask"

"Did I have anything to do with the disappearance of Lena?"

"Well did you?" Kara asked

"Yes, in fact I know exactly were she is. She really is a fighter, next time I might have to do more than throw her down some stairs"

Kara shot forward unbelievably fast and slammed him in into a wall.


Lex grunted in pain and frowned at Kara.

"Try that again kryptonian and I'll have her killed"

Kara's eyes lit up in fear at the realization that she couldnt touch lex. At least not while he had Lena. Brainy came to the same conclusion and dropped his fighting stance.

"If you hurt her Lex I will make you want to die" Brainy said across the room.

"Did you miss the part where she was thrown down some stairs? I would say she may have been injured during that"

"What do you want Lex"

Turning to Kara, Lex smirked
"What I want is to kill you, but before I do that I want to make you watch as aliens die around you. All of them. And if I see a single member of your team, or anyone associated with your team in my way. I will kill her."

"I don't know if you will Lex. Even you have a soft spot for Lena"

"My opinion on Lena changed when I found out she was sleeping with you. Now I see she needed more help to see my side of things then ever before. Watching you die will achieve that. Now get out of my office before I force you to leave"

Kara stormed out the office and slammed the door. Brainy turned to Lex and looked him in the eye.

"Just so you know Lex, Lena thinks of me as her brother. It's probably because I actually care what happens to her. A real brother would protect his sister from the evil in the world. Not become it."

Brainy turned and walked out of Lex's office.

Back at the Tower Alex and J'onn followed up on the lead for Blake Brisge.

"So this is his house huh" Alex said standing in front of an apartment building.
The building complex was run down and overrun with vines.
"Okay I'll take the front, you take the back"
J'onn looked at her
"Are you sure you want to split up? He is dangerous"
"Yes, I dont want to have a chance for him to escape. We need to bring him in for questioning"

With that said Alex headed for the front door and knocked. No response. "Deo open up!"
"Mabye he knows the Deo doesnt exist anymore Alex" J'onn said over the coms
"Well to bad for him"Alex said as she kicked the door in.
Immediately a man inside yelled for her to leave him alone and fled for the back.
"J'onn has coming to you!"
A few seconds later Alex heard a thud and a laugh.
"Alex! I knew he was coming toward me but he literally ran straight into my arm and knocked himself out"
Sure enough the man layed unconcious on his back porch.
"Haha nice job J'onn. Hopefully he will know something about Lena's whereabouts. I just hope she is still alive"

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