chapter 3 - Promise

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Chapter 3 - Promise

"Sorry, I already got my hands full with my own kids. I can't handle another one." The woman, who was also your 'auntie', said. She couldn't even hide the annoyed expresion she has on her face.

"I see. Then we'll be going. Thank you for your time ma'am." The guy you're with said with a bow. Another rejection huh. That the 6th time this week.

You've been going around looking for someone from your relatives to take care of you for a week now.

"Haaaaaah... Can't handle another one?  She only got 2 kids! And they're already teenagers! It's so obvious she just didn't wanna be bothered! Aish." Gunta, the guy who's with you, exclaimed. He looks frustrated.

Gunta told you before that he was a social worker. He was helping you to look for someone to take care of you for a while now. Yet no one wanted to do anything with you even though they're your 'family'.

"Sorry Azul-chan. I guess you'll be stuck with me for a while longer." He turned to you with a smile and patted your head. You just stared at him, your face devoid of emotions.

It's fine. I don't need a fake family... Is what you wanted to tell him. But you stopped yourself thinking he might just pity you more.

*ring~* *ring~*

"Sorry, I need to take this. Just a minute," He stood up from the bench you were sitting on and answered the call about 5 steps away from you. "Hello?... Yes sir... Yes, she's with me... What?..." He stopped for a second and glanced at you. He's expression slightly got dim. Probably a bad news. You thought. "...Yes sir. We'll be there right away." He continued and then the call ended.

Worry, Frustration, and Pity was mixed in his face. Why?

"Let's go Azul-chan. I got a call from the chief. He said he already have someone who's willing to take care of you." He said, as if attempting to look cheerful as he deliver this 'good' news. Who is it exactly, that you have to look like that?

"...who?" You asked. He looked a bit surprised that you showed interest. Because usually, you're quiet and doesn't show a care about anything else beside food and sleep. As if you're alive but not living.

Once again, he ruffled your shoulder-length hair and signed his hand in a hush. "It's a surprise!"

Surprise. A surprise huh? Bet it's not a good one at all. You thought as you watch Gunta's facial expressions change with different emotions as he drive towards your destination.

Well I don't really care. You concluded as you lean on the window, watching the people walk and the buildings pass by quickly. The street lights started to light up one by one. It's peaceful. You smiled.


The loud horns from the car startled you.

"What the?- Kid's these days. Tsk tsk tsk." Gunta said clearly annoyed.

You looked at what he was talking about and there you saw a couple of bikes driven by teenagers wearing the same black clothes. What's that? A gang? They're a bit lacking in mem-

Just when you thought that the lot of them, suddenly guys wearing the same outfit followed after the ones you saw. You stared in awe as about a hundred of them drove pass you. 

There were 4 guys at the front. And in a distance followed about a hundred guys.

They looked like they were in a parade. It was so beautiful that you couldn't take off your eyes from them. They all look so happy. Wow, that looks so fun.

The 'parade' lasted for a while until all of them were out of sight. But you were still thinking about them, how fun it would be to ride with your friends? You want to try it too. You didn't have any friends though.

"...Azul-chan?" You snapped back into reality when you heard Gunta called you. You looked at him to know why he was calling you. "Are you okay? I've been calling you for the 3rd time now." His eyes scanned you as if he's looking for something wrong. I'm not a doll to be fixed. You thought. But of course, you just nodded.

"You sure?" He tried to confirm. So you just stared at him. He knew you wouldn't answer again so he just continued driving.

"We're here." He announced before he got out and walked towards your door and opened it. He even tried to help you get down but you just ignored him and hopped down.

Gunta scratched the back of his head but he didn't say anything and just guided you inside the building.

"Chief." Gunta greeted the chief when we entered the office. Aside from you and Gunta.  There were 2 people inside the office. The chief, and  a guy with a big build and a shaved head. Your eyes fell to the latter. So he's the guy who'll adopt me.

"Azula Mizuki-chan. This guy right here is the one who'll take care of you from now own..." The chief said straight away. Eager to dispose of me huh?  "His name is sir Edgar Wright. Your father." He finished. You were quite shocked about the identity of the man but you were also expecting it. You didn't know he'd be a foreigner though.

The man named Edgar, who happened to be my Missing-Jerk of a father, stood up and turned to you. He was about 6 feet tall and had a long scar from his left eye to his nose. What a scar.

He crouched down to be on the same height with you but he was still pretty large. You probably got your height from your mother who was a petite woman herself.

"Hi Azula, I'm Edgar, your father. Nice to meet you." He greeted you with a smile. Fake.

Still you slightly bowed, "I am
Azula Mizuki, please take care of me."

"Hohoho~ what a nice kid. Then, please come finish up signing some documents so the both of you could go and bond together." The chief said, pleased that he can finally throw me away.

You just nodded and get out the office and sat on a chair in the waiting area.
Gunta was just following behind.

"So... I guess you can finally get away from me huh?" He joked as he sat beside you. "Aren't you relieved? " you said. That made him make a quite grim expression. He's so easy to read. "I'm sad." He wasn't lying. "...And I don't know if I should say this... But I don't like him." He recklessly added. Me neither.

"Please be careful Azul-chan. If you ever need help, I'll be right there alright? Call me and I'll come and save you. I promise." He said and patted you on the head. You didn't want to admit, but what he said made you feel warm. I don't like it, but neither do I hate it.

"Azula?" You heard Edgar called you. I guess I need to go now. You we're about to go down but you stopped and looked at Gunta. He was confused at first but when you reached you arms, he understood right away.

He happily carried you from your seat and helped you get down. When you were already on your feet you immediately walked towards Edgar who was at the exit.

And just when you were already by the door you looked back at Gunta who was standing there and waving his hands so you waved back and mouthed, 'it's a promise' and softly smiled.

But you were forgetting something,

Promises are always meant to be broken.

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