chapter 45 - What's A Hickey?

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Thank you so much asdffn00, lacerda9966,issyuw,@_rozyy_369,_buzzingbees_04,alxaxdra,rainnbowii_,shamdhang11,webboba for reading!  ٩( 'ω' )و~♡

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Chapter 45 - What's A Hickey?

"I'm telling you, go home early."

Izana repeated for the 8th time while you were pacing back and forth in your room as you prepare to go out.

"I know. I heard you the first time. You don't have to repeat it." You replied while tying your hair in a pony tail. My hair got too long. Should I cut it? You pondered.

"I have to. Since you'll definitely do otherwise." He shot back with arms crossed as he leaned on the door frame. Watching you take a black hoodie out of your closet.

"You had me grounded for a week. Do you really think I'll try something as stupid as that?" You scoffed in reply. Remembering how the supposedly 3 days of suspension became a week after he saw the wound on your hands.

"...I'm sorry." He said softly. His eyes turned somber as he apologized for not allowing you to go out for a whole week.

You sighed at the sudden change of his expression. C'mon now. If you're going to be strict then keep at it! This is foul!

"I'm not mad. I understand why you did it so don't look like that." You told him as you walked pass him to get out of the room. "But you have to buy me 5 pocky boxes." You added before walking downstairs.

A smile making its way on your face as you heard him chuckle.

"Yes ma'am."


"I'm out! I'm out! Boss, I'm sorry!"

Timon yelled out as he continued to tap on the floor. Admitting his defeat.

Feeling quite reluctant to let him go, you hold out for 1 more minute before finally getting off his back.

"Ah! It hurts! Boss you meanie! My arm!" He continued to cry as he lay down the octagon. Clutching his left arm that I was pulling earlier as I locked him on the ground.

"Crybaby." You heard Seven mocked while you were on your way out of the ring.

"Lol. You didn't even last for 5 minutes!" Junichiro laughed loudly.

"Get down here you fucking disgrace!" Hiroto also yelled and then laughed. Which made you glare at him. Shutting him up as he quickly cowered when he notice you.

Ha, this kid. Acting like that just because he wasn't the one inside that ring. You scoffed. Shaking your head in disappointment.

As soon as you came in the hideout earlier, you wasted no time and told A to call everyone. Since it was their fault you returned later than expected last time, you decided to give them a punishment.

You made Timon and Hiroto, who were the ones that caused the trouble, play a game and the one who loses will have a spar with you. Unfortunately for Timon, he lost.


You turned you attention away from the guys who continued to make fun of Timon, except Hiroto, as he also got out from the ring and looked at A who's offering you a neatly folded towel on his hands.

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