chapter 20 - A Visitor

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Thank you so much lucyft243 , wakasaclothes, shirasakai and K_y0sh1 for reading!  (★^O^★)

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Chapter 20 - A Visitor

"What time will they get here?" You asked Izana who was currently cutting an apple.

He chuckled before putting a slice infront of you, urging you to eat it. "I told you, they'll be here any minute now. You had already asked that for the 8th time." He said as he continued to feed you.

Dunno if it's because of what I told him last time but He suddenly became a good and sweet brother. You wondered. Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you had any complaints. In fact, being Izana's little sister might be the best thing you had ever got in your life.

Sorry Emma. You have mikey so maybe you can give me Izana... Right? You thought.

Pursing your lips, you savored the sweet flavor of the fruit. "Yeah, and you told me that an hour ago! Why are they taking so damn long?! Did they take a huge dump or something!?!" You complained as you flopped your back on to the bed, spreading you arms as you stared at the white ceiling. Meanwhile, Izana just laugh at you as if you just told him the funniest joke on earth.

Ugh, I'm getting sick of this scenery. When am I getting out of here anyway? It's not like I broke a rib or something. You thought as you kept staring at the boring view above you.

It's been 5 days since the raid at the playground. And even though it's still too early, you've been trying so hard to forget all the bad memories and start anew. Of course,  it's nowhere near easy. But Shinichiro and Izana were doing their best to help. Even though they weren't saying it directly, it's pretty obvious based on the effort they are exerting. Especially Izana who, for the past few days, made your hospital room as his own.

I mean, the kid didn't even bother going home anymore. He's stuck by my side like a glue. You laugh in your mind. Thinking about how he'd panic when he wakes up and you're gone to go to the restroom by yourself.

Also, the matter with the Nightmares had also been settled. Well, somehow you discovered that whenever Shinichiro or Izana were by your side or at least in the same room with you as you sleep, you could always fall asleep deeply and peacefully. Which is why, Izana not going home, is to your favor.

I'm just guessing but if I sleep around Kakuchou, it'll probably work too. After all, he's my cute little brother. You smiled.

Speaking of that little cutie, Shinichiro-nii-san, he told you to keep calling him that when you stopped and called him Shinichiro-kun because of embarrassment, told you that he'll take Kakuchou to visit you today. That's why you've been so excited. And yet... *siiiiiiigh*

"Don't be so down. Do you miss Kakuchou that much? Don't you like hanging out with me?" Izana joked but you were sure that there was a hint of jealousy laced in his voice. Oho~ someone's developing a sister complex here~. You laughed. How cute was that?

"Aww, is little Izana feeling jealous? C'mere let this big sister hug you~." You couldn't fight the urge to tease him as you laughed. But was stop when he actually turned red before snapping at you, telling you that he was older and such.

Oh my, I didn't thought Izana would be so easily flustered. So not him at all. You stared at him in awe, remembering the bloody-brutal version of him in the manga. But I guess he is still a child. You shrugged. He'll probably change as he gets older.

*knock!* *knock!* *knock!*

"Oh, that might be them." Izana said  as the both of you stopped goofing around when you heard the quick and loud knocks on the door. And sure enough, as the door opened, kakuchou immediately ran towards you.

"Azula!" He shouted happily as he spread his arms for a hug. You, who was equally delighted at the sight of him, immediately welcomed him to an embrace. "Where have you been?! I thought I'll never see you again!" He said as he started crying. Telling you how happy he was to see you and that he's been wanting to visit you ever since he heard from the adults that you were found by the police. His snot and tears were mixing, dampening your hospital gown. He's still such a crybaby... I'm glad. You thought, smiling.

Both of you stayed in that position for quite a while. You were trying to calm him down and he just kept sobbing. It was adorable. You felt warm in the arms of the people you cherished. But you weren't really enjoying your wet clothes.

Fortunately... Or unfortunately, after a few more minutes, Izana finally pulled him away from you. Telling the little boy that you were still recovering. Of course, Kakuchou complained at first but as you told him that you guys can just hug more later after you got discharged, he finally agreed.

"By the way, where's Shinichiro-Nii-san?  I thought he's with you?" Izana suddenly asked. Now that he mentioned it, you finally noticed that Shinichiro didn't follow behind Kakuchou earlier like you'd expect him to.

"Oh, he said he'll follow later. He's just going to talk to that old man." Kakuchou said while stuffing a banana in his mouth that he took from the basket.

It was a gift from Lisa who visited earlier to check on you. She's been doing that since the news that you were alive spread out. She told you how shocked she was when she heard about you missing. I wonder how she'll react if she knew where I had been? You smiled a little. She might get a heart attack.

"Old man?" Izana asked once again. His eyebrows were meeting each other. He looked like he had an idea who it was and was just asking for details to confirm.

"I don't know him... But I think I heard Shinichiro-kun call him- Oh! There they are!" He said and then he pointed his finger towards the door.

Both you and Izana looked at where he was pointing. And as soon as you do, your smile dropped.

There infront of you stood Shinichiro and a man you don't know but were oddly familiar with.

Relying on your instincts in the playground for 7 months was what saved you along with your will to protect. And now most of the time, you trust it more than your head.

And I'm feeling pretty bad about this man. Why though? I feel like he tried to takeaway something from me before. You thought. Your mind carefully processing and relieving your thoughts. But I've never seen him before. Why the heck would I feel like this? You were so confused that you're starting to think that you might just be over thinking stuff.

Just when you were about to ask Shinichiro about the guy. He started to awkwardly scratch his head.

"Ahaha... Hi Azula-chan. I don't know if you're okay with it but...  You have a visitor." He looked at you as if he was telling you that he tried to shoo him away. Why would he look at me like that? Do I know this guy? Or should I know him?

And as if answering your questions. The man introduced himself...

"Hello ms. Azula Mizuki. I'm Masato Tachibana, a police officer."

The answer was both.

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