chapter 27 - That's Good

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Thank you so much AnnAnnTasi, Bonten_Whore101,ClairePatricia9 and -FXUYU for reading!  〜(^∇^〜)

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Chapter 27 - That's Good

"You... Do you like hospitals that much?" Wakasa asked, pointing at the little girl who was, once again, on a hospital bed.

Azula just smiled at the man. "Hello to you too Waka-kun." She said cheerfully.

"Can't you atleast greet the kid first? You idiot." Takeomi-san said as he smacked Wakasa on the back of his head before going over to Azula. "How's the wound kiddo? Is it still hurting?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Azula chuckled at Wakasa who was caressing the back of his head before answering the guy. "Never been better! I could probably lift a cow now." She joked, earning a laugh out of him.

"That's good then. Keep getting better alright?" He said as he ruffled her hair. Azula smiled at him widely. "Of course!"

As Azula kept talking with the others, Shinichiro just watched them quietly. Smiling when the conversation was amusing and laughing when it's funny. He'd also join the conversation when he gets addressed or asked something. But most of the time, he was observing Azula.

She's acting so cheerful that even I would be deceived if I didn't know any better. He thought. A week has passed after the kidnapping incident with Kakuchou. But it was still fresh in his mind. He could still vividly recall the way his breath hitched when he got a call about Azula, and how his heart almost drop at the sight of her covered by her own blood.

He was already too late when he got to the location because he was too far, coming from the opposite direction where the incident happened. He was trying to look for the little boy even when he had no lead. It was a futile attempt. He knew that, but he was panicking. He was scared that what happened to Azula would repeat again.

He came as fast as he could though. But the only thing he saw when he arrived was Azula being carried by a stranger and Kakuchou, along with another kid, trying to stop the stranger from going somewhere.

Shinichiro, who didn't know what exactly was happening, judged the situation by the kid's reactions. After he quickly get off his bike, he also blocked the guy's way. Asking him to give Azula back. But then, the mysterious man didn't falter. He looked like he didn't have any plans to give Azula to Shinichiro. Instead, he held the little girl closer. His unemotional face changed into a frown as he got ready to fight back if Shinichiro get any closer.

And when Shin was just about to force him to give Azula back, he noticed Azula's hand that was gripping tightly onto the man shirt. He suddenly thought about the unknown fact that it was something Azula would only do to people she trusts. And with just that, he finally gave way to the unknown man.

Just minutes after that, an ambulance came. The guy holding Azula came in quickly along with the two kids while Shinichiro rode his bike. Following the emergency vehicle closely behind.

When he got to the hospital, the guy was already gone. Only the boys and Azula who was already in the emergency room was there. It was as if that person wasn't there in the first place. He was just like a ghost.

Until now, I still have no idea who that man was. He thought as he watched Azula laugh. And I'm not sure if I can ask her about him.

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