chapter 29 - Who's There?

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Thank you so much ELISE_SAN, NarUvU,uroneesan and _blackyamss_ for reading!  \(^O^)/~<3

Happy 7k reads and 800+ votes!  (❁´‿'❁)
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Chapter 29 - Who's There?

'Keep your friends close, and enemies closer.'

I had always thought that, that quote was bullshit. I mean... Why would I stay close to someone who could stab me the moment I wasn't looking?  You thought. Laughing as you remembered the good old times when you argue with your friends about it on your past life.

"Yeah, I still think it's a bull." You mumbled as you looked at the dark alley infront of you. The busy streets of Tokyo were just behind you. Exhibiting its beauty and liveliness that you'll surely get enchanted. Not realizing the darkness that reeks within.

"Then I guess I'll just have to shoot the enemy before he could even try~." You grinned as you walked in and let the darkness consume you.

I can't believe that devil would build his nest in the middle of the city. You thought as you faced a metal door. The design was disgustingly similar to the ones from the playground.

*knock* *knock*

"Who's there?" Someone replied immediately after you knocked twice. Making you cringe a little bit but you had already expected that because you had already read it from the documents. After all, Aika wrote it in details.

Damn. I had already known this since I met him but I really hate his tastes. You frowned. "The one who visits."

"The one who visits, who?" Once again, the voice replied. The man's voice sound so serious that you were actually wondering how the hell he isn't annoyed nor laughing in this whole process. It's clear that he had already done this far too many times.

"The Grim Reaper from the Playground." You answered in a flat tone. Trying your best not to shout at him and come in forcefully. I'll make sure to add this shame to the list of debts he has to pay. You thought as you felt your face twitching from irritation.

There was a moment of silence from the other side before you heard something click and then the metal door slowly opened. Probably because it was too heavy.

There was a sudden brightness that came through the gap that was slowly widening. Making you squint your eyes as you adjusted your vision.

"Hello ms. Azula. Sorry to keep you waiting, please follow me. My master has been waiting for you."

The moment that the door was fully opened. Suddenly, there was an old man infront of you wearing a butler uniform that you usually see from the movies. And beside him was another man who was bowing his head but you could still see the scar that covered his left eye and up around the head. He was giving off the 'bouncer' vibes with his big build and stoic face. 

Don't tell me... He's the one that was assigned in this poor task of 'welcoming' the people? You thought as you stared at the man in pure shock. When he caught you staring, he looked confused and a little uncomfortable but then you just blinked at him before turning your attention to the old-man-dressed-in-butler-suit when he called you again.

"Ehem. Then please follow me." He said again before walking inside. As you followed him, you subtly observed the place.

It was nothing but a simple Resto-bar full of normal looking people. Though there was no one who looked like they were 17 below, making you stand out as almost all of them followed you with their gaze.

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