chapter 38 - So Hot

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Thank you so much bitchimchoosy, bloodyKubotan928,Drakegg_, otakuotez and MAKI5MA for reading!  。◕‿◕。~<3

Happy 30k reads!
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Chapter 38 - So Hot

He should get it right?  You thought as you walked towards the back of the shop where you guessed that Izana was.

You knew how fucked up this world's plot can be. Since you didn't finished the manga, you don't know who to trust and who would betray you. Well,  you've been observing the B.D's founders and you had already judged them as people that Shinichiro could trust. But you're not Shinichiro. Plus, there's no harm in keeping them in check.

Now he knows what I can do but have no idea how much I still can. You thought. He's smart. He'll probably realize it himself. You shrugged.

When you were already at the back, you noticed that it was empty. Only a bike that was similar to Shinichiro's bike was in there. Parked in the middle. As if waiting for you.

"Wow." You mumbled as you walked closer towards it. You had seen a lot of bikes since you frequent Shinichiro's shop. But you had never seen anything that could pique your interest so quickly.

It's beautiful. You thought as you slid your fingers on its tank towards its handles.

The bike was already customized. It was adorned with black and blue paint. Along with a golden strip of sticker at the side. The seat was also black and gold. A ride fit for royalty.

"The owner will be so delighted with this." You said as you admired the masterpiece infront of you.

"You think?"

Without looking back at him, you answered. "Yep. It's amazing."

You felt him walking towards you, standing beside you. Also looking at the bike. "Thanks. That makes me happy." Izana said.

Surprised, you looked at him in awe. "You did this?"

"Yeah. Pretty good huh?" He replied with a smug. Practically boasting. You didn't mind though, he had every right to be proud. In fact, you also felt proud.

"That's great! You did great Nii-chan! I'm astonished. You're awesome! Seriously!" You praised him with a big smile on your face. Sincerely amazed with him. So that's why he's been hanging around here a lot lately.

"Alright alright, that's enough. I'm already satisfied to know that the owner liked it." He chuckled as he patted you on the head while you stare at him blankly. Unable to process what he said.


He chuckled once more before facing you. His arms were stretched out, presenting his masterpiece. "This bike is the first one to be created solely by me. And I want you, my dear sister, to have it." He smiled widely as he announced its ownership  as yours while you stood frozen. Staring at his happy face.

"Me?" You unwittingly asked, pointing to yourself. "Yes. You." He replied. Patiently waiting for you to fully take in what he just said. No shit.

"It's mine? Really?"

He nodded.

"Oh my God. OMG." Your mouth gaped. Suddenly, you're bursting with excitement as you jumped to him for a hug. Thankfully, Izana caught you in his arms. "Thank you! I love it! I really do!" You exclaimed happily. To be honest, you already have a bike. Gunta bought it for you. But a bike Izana created himself is far more special. I mean, the great Izana made it for me. Of course it's special.

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