chapter 18 - Finally Found

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Thank you so much hikari_gonzales, Yuritokito and Yukiko_Kawata for reading! (≧﹏≦)~<3

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Chapter 18 - Finally Found

Blood. There were so much blood everywhere.

"Iiiihk!.. Looks like the Grim Reaper had finally killed the very person she swore to protect!" A voice whispered.

"Hihihi! I wonder how she's taking it." Another voice laughed.

After that many different voices kept talking. Ah, it's them again. You thought, realizing that it's the same dream. The same nightmare you've had over the past several months.

Once again, you were sitting on what seem to look like a throne on top of a pile of bodies. Watching how those same black figures try to crawl towards you.

"Why did you kill me?"

"Have mercy!"

"You demon child! "

"I'll kill you!"


"Kill! Kill! Kill the Grim Reaper!"

Haaa.. Shut up. You thought as you stare at them struggle to reach you. With the same unemotional face you'd wear everytime you fought them, you scanned the black figures.

There were too many of them. About a hundred. All died from your tiny little hands.

"Did you see, did you see? Hey Azula. Look at that. Don't they look pitiful?" You looked at the black figure beside you. It was big. He was towering over you. "Aah.. Your father is very proud." It said. Already used to his blabbing, you ignored him.

"Hey hey, Grim Reaper. You have a vistor~" the other figure beside you who was sitting on the armrest, pointed at something. "Number 07 came." He continued.

Following his pointing finger. You saw another black figure emerge from afar.

"Azi-chan?" Eyes widening at what the figure called you. Everything that happened right before you fell unconscious, flashed into your mind.

A-aiko-chan.. I didn't mean it! I didn't want to kill you! You tried to shout but you were only able to do it in your head. It was like your body was paralyzed and all you can do is look at her.

"Why? Why!? WHY!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! WHY DID YOU KILL ME?! YOU MURDERER." The figured screamed as it ran towards you.

N-No! I didn't-! I... I! You tried to say.

"She's angry~" the figure said as he hugged your head. His hand caressing the tattoo on your neck.

"Yes, yes.. She hates you." The other whispered as it laugh.


"Aiko-san is gone..." Another figure emerged infront of you. But this time, it wasn't all black. It's face was uncovered. And you recognized the person. "And it's your fault." The girl infront of you said coldly. She was you. The you from your past life.

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