Chapter 1: A Brand New World

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A Few Days Later

Rimuru's Pov

I have been in this world for a few days now and I can categorically call it by far the worst world I have had the pleasure of coming to, after the sight I saw the first day I was here I had to hide out in the woods. The entire night was terrible I couldn't stop from crying at what I had seen earlier that day, praying with all my heart to go back home to my humble little town in the forest.

But that wont do anything.

I quickly learned while being in the woods that there are creatures that are known as "danger beasts" that are like monsters in some ways, but unlike the monsters I know these ones act on instinct and don't have egos at all. Personally, the ones I have encountered have been pretty weak by my standards but from the information I've gathered there are not any strong ones in the area I am in.

While hunting I learned which abilities I can and cant use, I can actually use most of my skills but the ones that effect the outside world take exponentially more mana then in my world, for instance even using black lightning once can drain my mana around 10% of the way down. Internal skills like Great Sage's abilities are the same as before so I can still use things like thought acceleration freely. Unfortunately, because of the extremely low amount of magicules in the area it take longer to regenerate my mana since it is solely coming from the passive aura of Veldora I am absorbing.

Thankfully, I can still use Gluttony much the same so I still have access to things like my potions or weapons, but now I have to pay a price in mana for the items I take out or put into it. This doesn't really effect everyday use of it, but it does make it a lot less useful in battle since I cannot just absorb every ranged attack that is sent at me. Fortunately, I still have my resistances it seems so I should be fine.

While exploring I talked with a variety of people, mostly bandits who tried to kidnap me, but after I beat them a few of them were happy to answer some of my questions about this world.

From what I have learned I am currently in a country called the Empire which is incredible corrupt and fell from its former glory days as the most prosperous and impressive country in the world after many years and stagnation. When I heard this empire had been going on for 1,000 years I couldn't help but be surprised, from what I remember from Earth history it was completely unheard of for such large countries to stay strong for so long that is around the time the Roman Empire was in power and this empire isn't gone yet so it could continue for longer.

From what I learned it isn't so much that the people are living happily and more of the kind of thing where the government is just that good at suppressing rebellion. That is what I came upon when I first arrived here, the most fearsome Imperial General and her troops annihilating a rebellious faction.

During all this time I have realized that like in my last world this world follows the law of the strong are right and take what they want and the weak die and get taken advantage of, I guess this is what happens when that concept I thought of as the nature law of monsters from my world is applied by humans. There is no end to the creativity and depravity of humans, giving the chance and opportunity humans can be almost infinitely crueler to each other than any monster could be.

It makes me sick, even in the other two worlds I have lived in I never heard of people or monsters doing some of things I have seen and in such a short amount of time after coming here.

That is why I decided that while I am in this world I will have to embrace my new heart as a monster or else the old human me would have their heart broken way too much, or is the human part the real monster? After these past few days, I can't tell but right now none of that matters, I need to find something to do while I am here.

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