~2. Two times in a row?~

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[Edited April 18th]
*a month later*

"Hey, mom?" I yelled from the entrance hall of my mom's house, hoping I could locate her voice in a second. Placing my bag by the door, I listened carefully.

"What is it, darling?" She shouted from the living room.

So, I'm gonna ask her... but what am I addressing him as? Am I gonna address him as what he is? A potential better friend? Or am I gonna say he's a good friend? Boyfriend, wouldn't fit Tom. It's way too early and I had the feeling I was not after him like that. No man actually. Probably. God, this break was already making me turn into a different human being.

When I reached the living room's doorframe, my mom turned her head to face me. Hair in a loose bun at the base of her neck and no makeup or bra on her. I loved seeing the reality behind the famous actress at home. She had always been this way with me and I adored her for it.

"Would you mind having Tom over for dinner?"

"No, but who's this Tom?" She questioned more interested now.

Yeah, as if I knew an answer to that... jokes on you mom.

"A good friend." Her gaze returned to the book in her lap, chin rising and falling as she nodded. 

"You two had sex."

"I- what-"

"Oh c'mon, your body language speaks for itself."

"Mom, actually no. We didn't have sex, I like him, I think..." Okay, I am questioning this as well. First red flag.

She rose her gaze again.

"You think?"

"He'll be here at seven for dinner, then." As I finished my sentence, I grabbed my keys and made my way to the front door once again.

"Beatrix, where are you going?!" The blonde approached me.

"I wanted to grab a coffee and go for a walk in the park, I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. Out. I wanted to get out.

"Yeah, maybe you'll find a certain blonde, who you actually like." That was her way of telling me that she was in no need to get to know Tom, because in her opinion it would never work out anyway.

Tom... he— never mind.

"Mom, what the-" I whispered and made my way outside.

Once I sat in the drivers seat of my mom's car, I googled the coffee shop Sarah suggested. The previous times we texted or called each other the past month she always mentioned the shop. Sarah hasn't even been there, but she said it would be new and "suuuuper cute". Yeah, she's crazy, but I love it and wouldn't want her to be another way.

The name is kinda fun "Muddy Cup", well let's see if they make good drinks and have even better cake and food in general. I mean, food is amazing. Food is life. A god forsaken cafe should offer a decent muffin at least.

Even though it was a 45 minute drive, I had the feeling, the coffee shop would be a nice place, like Sarah said. I trusted her gut feeling. My eyes eyed the greatly cute and vintage looking shop, in between others. But the Muddy Cup stood out. The whole street was lined up with clothing stores, small restaurants and bars, but only this one coffee shop.

Outside the adorable café was a sign reading "open" and Jesus, I was all here for it. This one establishment could do no wrong in my eyes.

The sky above me darkened and I took it as a sign to get inside.

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