~13. Momma~

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A few messages have been answered as I patiently waited for Dash and Cate to finish their talk. Meanwhile Sarah told me about the great sex, between her and Holand. I mean, I was glad they were happy, but there was no need to get into so much detail. Too much information was actually a thing with her. These little details left the hair on my arms rise.
Anyway, it was Sarah and once she was comfortable enough around you, she'll tell you everything and I loved that about her. Tom still didn't answer my text, but I didn't care much. Seriously, life sucked sometimes, he should get over it.

Currently, I was talking to my mom, but I still was sure she'd call in a couple of seconds, cause the texting annoyed her.- and just as I finished that thought, the call screen popped up and I answered, hearing a sweet voice on the other side of the phone.

"How was your day?" My mom's gentle and slightly rough voice reached me through the phone. There was this certain way she talked...

With a tired sigh I parted my lips, "Oh, you know, just a regular day. Cate and I went groceries shopping, cooking and later we watched a movie together."

"That sounds like one of our earlier days." The blonde chuckled and I agreed.

"And you, mom?" I questioned and let my back fall onto the couch in exhaustion. Arms dangling loosely on my body.

There was a short period of time, where it was silent between us two. No one said anything, but I didn't notice at first, cause I was caught up in my thoughts or more actually not thinking at all. My body was just kinda exhausted, so I inhaled calmly for some moments.

"It was very nice." The little quirk to her tone did not stay unnoticed. Oh I could practically see her smiling on the other side of the phone. Well, not actually, but I knew what kind of a smile matched her voice and mood right now.

Something good had happened and I was not sure if it was just one good thing, to be honest. She must be beaming like an idiot.

"What makes you so cheerful, mom?" I giggled and rolled onto my side, feeling even more tired.

Whoa, does every mom feel that way after doing just the basic things and not even doing that much? Bet not.

"I got a dog!" She squealed through the phone, forcing me to get a wee bit distance in between my phone and my ear.

"That's sudden... but cool! I need pictures!" I paused, thinking about asking her, if something else happened to make her this happy. Either she'll answer with a yes and tell me everything, or a no and don't tell me what else happened at all.

Anyway, by now I was convinced it was not only the dog, which caused the mood.

"I will send you pictures of Stella, wait a second!" My mom laughed delightfully and I received some messages.

She sounded like a new mom, talking about her baby. As my eyes fell onto the pictures of Stella, I squealed a wee bit in adoration.

"She's adorable!" I glared at the phone. "And what else happened to get you into such a sweet mood, mh?" I finally asked and it became suddenly quiet behind the phone.

Geez, was it that bad she couldn't even tell me what makes her this happy? Oh no, she did something stupid.

"Sex. Good sex." She almost moaned, causing me to cringe out a chuckle.

"That's good, mom."

"I thought you might feel too uncomfortable, if I tell you." The blonde admitted, rustling with something.

"I'm sorry, if I gave you the impression you couldn't talk about those things with me mom... you know I just... I'm sorry." I apologised and guilt building up inside of me.

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