~42. Charity Event And A Stranger?~

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I brought the car to a stop in front of a small family house. Outside, faded the sun slightly into a shade of red. We don't have too much time to get to the hotel, change and still don't be in a rush. It's definitely going to be a challenge.

Cate loosened her seatbelt and turned around, facing Dash. "Ready?"

"Yes! Philip and I are going to play on his ps4!" The boy beamed, loosened his seatbelt as well and left the car with his backpack in hand.

Laughter filled the car, as it left our throats. I leaned my head against the seat, adoring the blonde woman next to me. Her light eyes shine beautifully, whilst her head did it mine same.

"Gosh, you look beautiful." Cate cooed and stroke along my cheek.

Butterflies filled my stomach, sending a smile to my lips.

"So do you, Catie." I whispered softly.

My eyes twitched towards her all too good looking lips for a split second and she saw it. A smirk formed on her face and she slowly leaned in. Hot air hit my lips.

Suddenly, the second Cate's lips were supposed to meet mine, the door on her side went open.

"Are you finished mom?"

"Of course Baby." The blonde chuckled and exited the car, slamming the door shut.

Now, that wasn't what I wanted. My lips formed into a thin line, as my hands sit comfortably in my lap. I followed with my eyes a line down my stomach. There really is a bump forming. I'm not even far yet and there is a small bump.

Cate and I did talk about making it official. Well, we actually agreed on not making it official and on hiding, cause I am not feeling comfortable with the thought of more people following us, due to rising interest. Why can't people just focus on themselves? Is it really that hard to do? Maybe their lives are incredibly boring.

Of course it won't be long till I'm showing further, but until then I am are trying to wear less tight clothes and whatever else is needed. I probably won't be attending many events anymore. Oh boy- if there are people who know me, they will notice how I am not drinking alcohol. I basically have been drinking on every event or party, not till I passed out, but people knew I had something to drink. If that really is a good thing is questionable...

A fresh breeze sizzled along my skin, kicking me out of my thoughts.

"Sweetheart, move over." Cate chuckled and I twitched my head to my side.

"But we're driving for two and a half hours and you need to hold a speech. You're going to be exhausted!" I protested.

The blonde sighed. "Well, you are going to be just as exhausted, when you drive now."

I continued on refusing to move, so she closed the door and walked around the car. Just when I thought I had won this argument, she parted her lips again, whilst putting her seatbelt on.

"Fine. You'll drive for half an hour, then we switch." Cate explained.

"An hour."

"Twenty minutes."



I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Half an hour, it is."

"Perfect. Put your seatbelt on."

I sighed and did it, "I am not a six year old."

"You clearly love behaving like you are though." Cate rose her brows, as she snickered.

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