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Quietly creeping up the side of Stark tower Tash gazed down at the city below. She sighed heavily, she didn't enjoy her line of work. If anything she hated it, stealing was wrong but she needed the money. Without her stealing at night and working odd jobs around the city during the day she'd never save up enough to pay for an apartment. Or at the very least building supplies for hut in the woods. She chuckled to herself thinking about how her building a hut would probably turn out better then any apartment she could afford. Right now she was barely able to make payments for the hostile she was staying in every night.

The hostile was horrible, new people every day. Some were nice that's true but others were horrid. Once a man found out she was there alone with nobody to protect her, well let's just say it didn't end well. And, getting hit was regular when she was alone with another person, people just liked to take their anger out on her. Because of this she was always covered in bruises. Everyone thought she was in idiot, and she let them, it was better that way.

In truth however Tash was a genius. Her mother had her tested when she was very young. If she remembered correctly, and she did, she was around 6, 2 years after that her mother passed away. Leaving Tash to fend for herself which she had done pretty well. Now 16 she was a hard worker with lots of experience, she was a burglar yes but she had no choice. And, she was a pretty damn good one!

Tash had lots of gadgets she made herself to easily and without hurting anyone rob houses. She only took from those who truly could afford to lose a bit and always made it seem like an everyday robbery. Nobody suspected it was her every time. Tonight was no different, prying open the lock on the window she slid it open and slipped inside.

Eyeing every object in the room she finally settled on a gold watch and a pair of diamond ear rings she found in a drawer. She quickly pocketed them and tip toed towards her exit. Only she was in such a rush to get out that she didn't pay attention to her feet and ended up scraping her calf on the edge of a cabinet. "Shi" she held her mouth so she wouldn't yell.

Having competed her mission Tash slyly jumped out the window and onto a near by roof. Running through the night her sneakers made a crunching noise in the gravel. In her mind this was another perfect victimless crime.

Stark's daughter the robberWhere stories live. Discover now