Ignorance is bliss

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"What do you mean that was Tash's mother?" Steve demanded of Tony suspiciously. "I mean that's her mom I remember her voice although Tash said she died of cancer years ago!". Tony ran over to a computer and began typing something furiously "she told me that she worked with a company that explored human genetics and mutations, now if I could just remember where she said it was located.....AHA Washington state! Got it" an Adress popped up on the screen. A lonely but rather large building in the middle of miles and miles of thick wild forest. Summoning the iron man suit to him Tony immediately took off not stopping to explain anything to any of the other avengers. Not that they needed it they ran quickly to harness their own modes of transportation to help.

Tash laid on the ground unmoving she was tired and ready to die. Her life had been such a mess of chaotic ups and downs that she really felt she couldn't bare it any more and wanted to just give up. However as Tash closed her eyes for what's he felt like would surely be the last time a red and gold rocket came shooting down beside her shaking the ground. The mask of the iron suit flipped up and there was her dad "Tash sweetie are you alright?!" He shouted kneeling down next to her and gathering up her limp body. "I mean I'm not great but I think I'll live now that your here" she smiled at him weakly. Tony smiled back breathing a sigh of relief  "come on I'm taking you home" "are the others there?" Tash asked "no they went to take care of the people who took you". "who took me?!" Tash shouted finding a bit of strength she didn't think she had. "You never saw her?" Tony asked shocked and a little relieved "no I never found out who was behind it all". The strength Tash had found was beginning to slip away again "so who was it?" She whispered as her eyes began to close "nobody important just some bad guys who will never hurt you again" her dad muttered as he took off to get Tash to a medical center as soon as possible.

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