Im taking you home

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Tony walked towards the jail cell where his estranged daughter was. As he neared the cell he saw how scared she was and how she'd backed herself into a corner. "Hi Tash" he said curtly but not unkindly "how do you know my name?" "DNA test, you must've cut yourself at the tower, listen I've got some news you might not like but you should know". "I don't wanna hear it just let me be!" She yelled at him "Tash listen" he tried again "NO!! I don't wanna hear your voice LEAVE!!" "TASH IM YOUR FATHER" Tony blurted out.

She paused staring at him with her mouth hanging open and tears down her face. Then she began to laugh, it wasn't a happy laugh it was a maniacal laughter. "Ya right, nice joke, my mom hooked up with the billionaire Tony Stark suuuure". "Tash think about it, it's not that much of a stretch" turning her face away from him Tash took a moment to think. Her mom was a cleaner for people and she was very pretty, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. She continued to think about how it could've happened "ewww!" She finally shouted earning a chuckle from Tony.

Turning back to him she walked up to the bars of the cell. "Ok so you're my father what does that mean? What does it change?" "Tash I'm taking you home with me, I got custody of you". Again Tash's mouth hung open in shock "what but I'm fine! I don't wanna live with you!! Even if you are my dad" "I'm sorry but you don't really have much of a choice here. As a minor you're not legally allowed to be on your own and I'm your legal guardian." "No no no no this can't be happening" Tash sank down to the floor and began to cry again.

Tony motioned one of the guards over to unlock the gate. Once he did Tony stepped in and gently placed a hand on Tash's shoulder. He didn't really know what to do so he just stayed awkwardly silent. At the feeling of his hand on her shoulder Tash jumped up and away from him, noticing the gate was open she marched towards the exit. "Fine let's go" she snapped pushing past Tony. "Right" he mumbled and followed after the seething girl.

Stark's daughter the robberWhere stories live. Discover now