Keep an eye on her

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"Well guys guess what Tony has daughter" Steve announced. Everyone stared in shock, you could see all the questions racing through their minds. Tony averted his gaze and tried to avoid explaining anything. It was Natasha who broke the silence "SOOOOOO Tony you have a kid?" "Yup". "What's her name?" "Tash" "how's she doing with you being her dad and all?". Tony sighed "she tried to kill herself" he blurted out. "Tony really that's...that's horrible" Bruce stuttered taking off his glasses and placing them on the table.

"Ya so that's how it going" Tony snapped looking down at his shoes. "Oh my goodness Tony I'm so sorry" Nat tried to comfort him "guys it's fine I'm just keeping a close eye on her for now, I think she's doing a bit better". They all looked at Tony sympathetically, he could feel the pity in their gaze and he didn't like it. "We'll keep an eye on her too Tony" Bruce faltered, "of course we will" Steve agreed "thanks guys" Tony stammered. He was trying really hard not to let the avengers see how worried he really was, or how relived it made him feel that they'd all be watching out for Tash too. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt or even worse hurt herself.

There was another awkward pause "ok well back to the meeting" Steve started clapping his hands together for emphasis. He was completely missing the mood of the room. Everyone groaned and settled in to listen to Steve drone on. He began talking but nobody was listening. They were all thinking about Tash and what she was like. By the end of the meeting each one of them had their own version of her in their minds. Most of the versions were close to what a female Tony would be like.

Somewhere else in the tower Tash and Pepper were in Tash's room having an improv due pillow fight. They were both laughing and having fun. Pepper hadn't been too thrilled when Tony had told her about this whole situation but agreed the girl shouldn't be left alone so what other choice was there. However she was really starting to like her. Tash was fun and seemed like a good person. Even though she did have some problems, considering what happened. But, shes 16 and everyone has their issues. Pepper was ready to be there for her, if she needed a friend or a mother figure. And it made her very happy Tash liked the room, it meant they at least had similar interior design taste.

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